Monday 22 July 2024

Minisink 245 years ago.

 Read about it here

The Battle of Minisink took place during the American Revolutionary War at Minisink Ford, New York, on July 22, 1779. It was the only major skirmish of the Revolutionary War fought in the upper Delaware River valley. The battle was a decisive Iroquois and Loyalist victory, as the Patriot militia was hastily assembled, ill-equipped and inexperienced.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Colonel Guy Johnson and Karonghyontye (Captain David Hill) 1776

 An excuse to post this painting. Details here

Death of Sir William Johnson 250th


Johnson hosting an Iroquois conference at Johnson Hall in 1772 (painting by E. L. Henry, 1903)

From the wiki

Johnson died from a stroke at Johnson Hall on 11 July 1774 during an Indian conference. Guy Johnson, William's nephew and son-in-law (he had married Mary/Polly), reported that Johnson died when he was "seized of a suffocation."[94] His funeral in Johnstown was attended by more than 2,000 people. His pallbearers included Governor William Franklin of New Jersey and the justices of the New York Supreme Court. He was buried beneath the altar in St. John's Episcopal church, the church he founded in Johnstown. The next day chiefs of the Six Nations performed the condolence ceremony and recognized Guy Johnson as Sir William's successor.[95]

During the American Revolution, the rebel New York legislature seized all of Johnson's lands and property, as his heirs were Loyalists.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Sweet Liberty (1986) Full movie


This is a comedy starring Alan Alda, Michael Caine and Michelle Pfeiffer about making a movie about the American Revolution. Is pretty funny. Wiki
Dr. Michael Burgess, an esteemed historian specializing in the American Revolution, finds his meticulously researched novel Sweet Liberty transformed into a Hollywood film production right in his hometown of Sayeville, North Carolina. Despite the pride he feels at the prospect of his work reaching a larger audience, Michael is dismayed to discover that the film adaptation strays significantly from his original story, ignoring historical accuracy and deviating from the essence of his book. As he reluctantly collaborates with the film's hack screenwriter Stanley Gould to salvage the project, Michael's world becomes even more complex when his personal life intersects with the film's glamorous cast and crew, leading to unexpected tensions and entanglements.

From Russia

 So my illustrations have been used in a series of Russian books on the French and Indian war. I think the author Alex Stepkin has figured out a way to send me copies. 

"My fourth book on the Seven Years War in North America has been published, "Oswego Officers: Formation of the 50 and 51 Regiments (1755-1756). )"
The book deals with the formation of two infantry regiments, Shirley and Pepperella, in English North American colonies. The book also features brief biographies of officers who served in these regiments. " Translated from Russia

Thursday 11 July 2024

At Fort Ti

 Fort Ticonderoga presents the 1759 Siege of Carillon two-day battle reenactment July 20-21! Through a combination of demonstrations, vignettes, narrated boat cruises, and battle reenactments, visitors will experience the British advance for Lake George. Become immersed in this 18th-century siege; featuring the constant roar of cannon, thrilling battle reenactments, and even a nighttime program where visitors are immersed in the battle for Carillon, named Ticonderoga by the British once they capture the fort from the French. 

The Battle Reenactment will take place all weekend and is included as part of daily admission. Tickets are buy one day, visit the next day FREE!

Minisink 245 years ago.

  Read about it here The Battle of Minisink  took place during the  American Revolutionary War  at  Minisink Ford, New York , on July 22, 17...