Saturday, 22 August 2009

Adventures in the Wilderness

I've been thinking quite a bit about the French and Indian war since I started this blog - which I haven't done for a while and now I am fancying getting back into F&I reenactment. These images are all from the 90s when I used to run the Troupes de Marin - a Colony regular group that is still going strong in the UK if you have the inspiration to get involved - see the New France and Old England website for contact details. As you can see it's quite a flexible subject with all manner of options depending on conditions. Derbyshire Historic Arms has some nice French muskets available in the UK.We used to hire a wood in Wales for our non-public skirmishes...(the top pic is from there). Good times.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you are thinking of getting back into it, we can't afford to lose people of your experience.


French and Indian War - Czech Reenactment Group

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