Thursday, 21 May 2015

Don Troiani on 'Turn'

'Several folks have asked me about the dress of the Queens Rangers on the fictional TV series "Turn" (I watch it occasionally if there is nothing else on and haven't eaten a big meal first). Here is an older figure I did of a ranger. Needless to say Simcoe was not the raging psycho portrayed on the show'.

1 comment:

  1. any time an American Revolution movie/show is made, the British are always made to look bad. I would highly doubt if they would make a movie about John Sullivan's campaign against the Mohawk valley! A movie made by a Canadian channel called Divided Loyalties talked of Joseph Brants life and how the Mohawk's were driven out of their homeland for the sake of American liberty yet some Americans claim it was some of the Six Nations policies which were used to establish the United States


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