Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Fort Recovery

As today is the annniversary of the attack on Fort Recovery by Blue Jacket during the Northwest Territory War I thought I'd post this film of the reconstruction of the fort in Ohio with some of the exhibits.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Galloping Major Miliciens

One of the drawbacks of a lot of F&I ranges tend to be the irregulars - usually the designer has some misplaced idea about coureurs de bois that look like Davey Crockett so it's particularly reassuring to see these Miliciens from Galloping Major looking spot on and in good poses too. Weaponry all correct - I am looking forward to seeing more of what promises to be a range to collect.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Revolution - battle scene

A film that still divides opinion. Shot in England this film was a disaster for all involved...but I still like it and enjoy this sequence.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Redcoats in the Forest

Gerry Embleton is one of the world's premier military uniform and equipment specialists recreating mannequins in stunningly lifelike poses and classic illustrations of troops in situ such as this camp scene. One of his favourite subject is the British redcoat of the Seven Years War and the Revolution in North America and this site brings together much of his work to date, and quite brilliant it is too. Highly recommended. www.redcoatsintheforest.com

More old reenactment photos

Been chatting recently with Mike Reynolds about old times, reenactment and so on. Mike was, with Robin Golden-Hann, the UK's first Iroquois reenactors and to prove it here's a photo of him and Robin at Audley End with the Royal Yorkers who came over with a host of US and Canadian Revolution reenactors to Britain in 1987. A few British revwar types went to take part but sadly only a very few were allowed on the field. Must have been quite an experience.

Friday, 12 June 2009

British Mohawks

Paul and Dave recreating British-allied Mohawks at Wrest Park - last century.

Monday, 8 June 2009

More reenactment nostalgia

Reenactments of the French and Indian war at Bath American Museum and Kirby Hall from the end of the last century.

Monongahela film

Clip from the PBS documentary series The War that Made America showing the famous Braddock defeat in 1755.

Barszo Cherokees

Barszo certainly are leaders in the field of 1/32 frontier figures - here is their latest releases - Cherokees.

Thetford salutes Thomas Paine

A large presence of American Revolutionary reenactors gathered this weekend in Norfolk to celebrate Thomas Paine. Image and article here

Czech French and Indian War reenactors

This coalition of groups is impressive. Some excellent portrayals. Website here

Thursday, 4 June 2009

River Raisin

This website is one of my favourite battle sites for the War of 1812. Lots of really interesting information and photographs like this one of a Kentucky Militiaman and an article on the clothing of the Militia at the battle.
Remembering the Raisin.

Bicentennial of the War of 1812

This might seem a slightly irrelevant conflict as far as Europe is concerned - say 1812 over here and people think of Napoleon and so on but obviously in American and Canadian history circles this is a significant date and one that will hopefully see the period get a higher profile.
Website of the bicentennial here.

Bit of reenactment nostalgia

This pic from 97 at the American Museum I like. I'm the fellow in the white.

Galloping Major French and Indian War figures

This new range of 28mm figures are impressive. The sculptor obviously knows the period's 'material culture' well as they all have appropriate weapons like the fusil de chasse carried by the new Canadian Militia figs. Noone has really done decent Miliciens up til now and these are the best I've seen - see the greens on the studio page of the website.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

General Johnson Saving a Wounded French Officer from the Tomahawk of an Indian

By Benjamin West. Said to be depicting an incident during the Battle of Lake George the background fortress is interesting - maybe generic? Picture and description here
Figures in the background are thought to be 60th Royal Americans - though they weren't present at the Battle of Lake George. It looks like they have the GR cypher on their caps. The figure on the left is wearing a red waistcoat - could he be one of Gage's Regiment?

Attack at Michilimackinack

Today in 1763 an innocent game of lacrosse ended in the fall of Fort Michilimackinack

Artwork The Conspiracy - Fort Michilimackinac by Robert Griffing. Print available from here.

History Captives - Full Documentary

 Documentary on captive stories.