Monday, 29 February 2016

Raid on Deerfield

 The 1704 Raid on Deerfield (or the Deerfield Massacre[9]) occurred during Queen Anne's War on February 29 when French and Native American forces under the command of Jean-Baptiste Hertel de Rouville attacked the English frontier settlement at Deerfield, Massachusetts, just before dawn, burning part of the town, killing 47 villagers, and taking 112 settlers captive to Canada, of whom 60 were later redeemed.
Article on this weekend's reenactment

Monday, 22 February 2016

Painting, Portrait of Jean-Baptiste Hertel de Rouville (1668-1722)

Queen Anne's War

Here for a new project of recreating the Redcoats of the early 18thc.
Work-in-progress of Lord Donegall's Regiment of Foot 1701-1707

Deerfield Reenactment

The Mousquets du Roi are preparing to participate in the commemoration of the raid of Deerfield, Massachusetts. This village of new England was attacked on 29 February 1704 (March 12, for the French who follow the Gregorian calendar) by a troupe mixed commissioned by Jean-Baptiste Hertel, sieur de rouville. The Attackers are from several communities, motivations for multiple and complex. There are french soldiers, officers and volunteers Canadians, Wendat (Huron) of Loreto, "Iroquois of the mountain", Of Kanien ' Kehaka Keháka (Agniers, Mohawks) of kahnawake and abenaki odanak. The attack of Deerfield has left a lasting legacy in the memories. Some captives are back in new England but others have done strain in Quebec, by marriage and adoption. These tragic events are reminded to Deerfield by a commemoration who wants to bring to light the context of the time and the motives of the actors of the time.
The Muskets du Roy are very enthusiastic about their participation. For the occasion, our members are preparing new clothes and equipment. An adventure to follow.…/commemoration-of-the-1704-raid-o…/

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

George Washington 1772

The earliest authenticated portrait of George Washington shows him wearing his colonel's uniform of the Virginia Regiment from the French and Indian War. The portrait was painted about 12 years after Washington's service in that war, and several years before he would reenter military service in theRevolution/ (From wikipedia)

Monday, 15 February 2016

French and Indian war art by Ralph Mitchard

Regiment de la Reine 1755

Fort Necessity

Provincial soldier 1755

Defenders of New France

Revolution artwork Ralph Mitchard

 Of course I have a soft spot for the 'Springers' - the 62nd - as we were going to start that unit in the UK but it finished up on the back burner but I did this poster. The below pic is my attempt to portray Patriots.

62nd Regiment of Foot

A Saratoga campaign group that has an excellent Facebook page
Also see here

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Happy Valentines Day

- 'Corporal Cartouch teaching Miss Camp-Love her Manual Exercise', 1778 John Collet

Friday, 12 February 2016

Warley Camp De Loutherbourg

 Philipp Jakob de Loutherbourg (1740-1812)
Warley Camp: The Mock Attack Signed and dated 1779…/warley-camp-the-mock-a…

 Warley Camp: The Review  Signed and dated 1780
Sketches made for the painting here 

Monday, 8 February 2016


Memoir upon the late war in North America between the French and English, 1755-60 [microform] : followed by observations upon the theatre of actual war, and by new details concerning the manners and customs of the Indians ; with topographical maps


Volunteers of Ireland

Image is from this page  The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies where there are plenty of articles on this interesting unit.


Volunteers of Ireland
Recruiting Notice

ALL Gentlemen, Natives of Ireland, who are zealous for the Honour and Prosperity of their Country, are hereby informed, that a Corps, to be stiled the VOLUNTEERS of IRELAND, is now raising by their Countryman, LORD RAWDON.
Those who wish to seize this favourable Opportunity, of manifesting their Attachment to their Native Land, are desired to apply to Captain BOURNE, at his Quarters, opposite to Coenties Market-place, or to Lieutenant MOFFAT, at the Lines, Kingsbridge; Lieutenant BINGHAM, Long-Island; Lieutenant DALTON, Powles-Hook, or at Mr. DEAN's, at the Sign of the Ship, near the Fly Market, where they shall be honourably entertained.
Any person who shall bring an approved good Recruit, shall receive Half a Guinea for each.
Good Men of any Country will be received.


Friday, 5 February 2016

The Observant French Lieutenant

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Recreated 10th Foot

Here for all the information on this unit

Captain Thomas Hewitt, 10th Regiment of Foot, 1781

by William Tate (1748-1806), 1781. As a mark of his status as an officer, Hewitt wears a silver gorget around his neck. The 'wings' on the shoulders of his uniform distinguish him as a member of a light company; his light infantry cap is held in his left hand. He carries a fusil or light musket - a weapon frequently carried by light company officers which was usually privately purchased. Portraits of officers carrying such a weapon are rare. 
From here 

Monday, 1 February 2016

Battle of Cowan's Ford

Dan Nance Historical Artist
'Today is the 235th Anniversary of the Battle of Cowan's Ford.
As dawn broke across the Carolina sky approximately 5,000 British troops under the command of General Charles Cornwallis crossed the Catawba River at Cowan's Ford in Mecklenburg County.
Close to 1,000 Patriot Militia under the command of General William Lee Davidson (from which Davidson College is named) awaited on the opposite bank to hold them off as long as possible. General Davidson was killed in the melee and later buried at Hopewell Presbyterian Church in secret. Cornwallis succeeded in taking the ford and by March 15th locked horns with General Nathaniel Green at the Battle of Guilford Court House.

Let's remember all who lost their lives during The American Revolution and especially today The Battle of Cowan's Ford.'

Seminole warriors 1/72 reviewed
