Monday, 29 October 2012

Rich Hall's Inventing the Indian

Interesting documentary about the depiction of Indians in popular media. If you live in the UK you can watch this here

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The Making of "Let it Begin Here"

"Let it Begin Here" Let it Begin Here is an epic short film projected on an innovative and unique screen system in a specially designed theater equipped with multi-sensory audio & special effects that put you in the action of the moment. Experience "Let it Begin Here" in person at the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum in Boston, Mass. Or visit us online at

Chickasaw TV

 Had this email for an online resource that looks interesting

Hello Ralph,

My name is Lauren Schraad and I manage, a network of online videos telling the story of the Chickasaw Nation. The History and Culture channel explores several facets of Chickasaw history including Prehistory, European arrival, Removal and many eras in between. Living history through reenactment is important, and currently has several videos discussing the value and purpose of reenactments.

Reenactors of the De Soto Story -
16th Century Weapons, Evolving -
The De Soto Park's Camp Uzita -


Lauren Schraad

Monday, 22 October 2012

Russell Means November 10, 1939 – October 22, 2012

Wiki on the man here

10mm Star Fort

Pendraken 10mm

Steve Stanley was talking about maybe getting some 10mms so I thought I'd have a look at the Pendraken website - they have some excellent miniatures for the Revwar and F&I - check them out.(Pictured are AWI French infantry ready to besiege Yorktown).FIW figures reviewed here

Friday, 19 October 2012

Surrender at Yorktown

So according to wikipedia today is the day Cornwallis handed his sword over. More images of this event here

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Two Horses of the Regiment, 1769

One of a set of six unsigned oil paintings on canvas attributed to Giuseppe Chiesa (d 1789).

Lord George Lennox (pointing with his sword), officers and soldiers of 25th Regiment of Foot in an encampment, Menorca. Thought to be the earliest of this series, based on the evidence of the red waistcoats which were made obsolete by the Royal Warrant of 29 December 1768. The warrant also ordered black bearskin caps for all infantry grenadier companies, although some regiments, like the 25th had been permitted them earlier.

The 25th Regiment of Foot was stationed in Menorca from 6 June 1769 until 1775, one of several regiments garrisoned there to maintain British control of this important Mediterranean base, regained from Spain at the end of the Seven Years War (1756-1763).
from here  at the NAM where there is more

British soldiers SYW

British Infantrymen of a Royal Regiment in an Encampment 1760, artist unknown. Thanks to Martin for the heads up for this one/

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Surrender at Saratoga 1777

Today was the day in 1777 when Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne surrendered.

Queenston Heights reenactment photos

Go over to the Minstrel Boy blog for photos of the War of 1812 bicentennial. Looks like a really special occasion - well done to all involved.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Monday, 15 October 2012

War of 1812 wargame

Great 25mm game at this blog. Keep checking this blog (Grenzer John's) for photos of the weekend's reenactment of Queenston Heights.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Reenactment of Queenston 1812

There is a reenactment this weekend - started off yesterday with fireworks. If you are in the area why not go?
'Close to one thousand re-enactors are expected to take part in Saturdays 3pm Battle in Queenston Heights.  Seating is limited and to get a good viewing spot getting there early will be the key to seeing the re-enactment.'
Isaac Brock wiki 
See the tunic Brock was wearing when he was shot

Queenston Heights bicentennial

1812War of 1812: Battle of Queenston Heights – As part of the Niagara campaign in Ontario, Canada, United States forces under General Stephen Van Rensselaer are repulsed from invading Canada by British and native troops led by Sir Isaac Brock.
Image from 1836 from here

Friday, 12 October 2012

Letters from home

Thanks to Blog reader Norm for this link to a series of interesting letters from the Revolution - concerning things like the Saratoga campaign - Sullivan Expedition and more. Recommended

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Culloden redcoat 12 inch figure

I featured this on my Wars of Louis Quatorze blog but thought you might also like this 1/6th scale 'doll'. See more of this 13th (Pulteney's) here

Today in History

Oct. 9, 1759: "Sent out two Scouts. A Sergt and six men to point au Fer to go to the windmill & so on the East side of Isle au Noix; & a Sergt and six men to point au Fer to go the West side towards St Johns. Both the Sergts to try all they can to get me a Prisoner for Intelligence...." - Journal of Jeffery Amherst

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Galloping Major in the USA

If you are in the states and want to get some 28mms then check out the Loyal Hanna Outpost.In the UK the range is now stocked by Caliver Books as well as the usual address.

Ulster American Folk Park

This Northern Ireland park dedicated to Ulster emigration has some excellent reconstructed buildings making it a top place to do Living History. Here is a photo by Penny of the old 2nd Rhode Island Regiment in about 1999. The house is a Pennsylvanian farmhouse.

2nd Saratoga or Bemis Heights

This battle in the Revwar took place today.
The burial of General Simon Fraser, Saratoga, 1777.
Oil on canvas, artist unknown, 1800.

Fraser was targeted by American Rifleman Timothy Murphy under the orders of Morgan "That gallant officer is General Fraser. I admire him, but it is necessary that he should die, do your duty."

Saturday, 6 October 2012

French wilderness force

From North Star

Grenadier's hanger

A British Grenadier's iron basket hilted hanger circa 1750. Based on the paintings by David Morier this pattern is often associated with the 1st Regiment of Foot.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

David R Wagner's Battle of the Hook 1781

More of his series on the campaign of 81 is here

Battle of the Hook 1781

This battle had its anniversary yesterday.From the Battle of the Hook Facebook page is this
General Washington’s General Orders, 4 Oct 1781 (excerpt)

Excerpt from Washington's General Orders of 4 Oct 1781

…The General Congratulates the Army upon the brilliant success of the Allied Troops near Gloucester. He requests the Duke de Lauzern to accept his particular thanks for the Judicious disposition and the decisive Vigour with which he charged the Enemy, and to communicate his Warmest Acknowledgements to the Gallant Officers and men by whom he was so admirably seconded. He feels peculiar satisfaction at the inconsiderable loss on our part, that no ill effects are to be apprehended from the Honorable Wounds which have been received in this affair, and that at so small an Expence, the Enemy amounting to six hundred Horse and foot were compleatly repulsed and Reconducted to their very lines...

Blue Moon 15/18mm War of 1812

Website here

Battle of Germantown 1777

This battle of the Revolution took place today in 1777. Wiki here

Monday, 1 October 2012

Seminole warriors 1/72 reviewed
