Monday 22 July 2024

Minisink 245 years ago.

 Read about it here

The Battle of Minisink took place during the American Revolutionary War at Minisink Ford, New York, on July 22, 1779. It was the only major skirmish of the Revolutionary War fought in the upper Delaware River valley. The battle was a decisive Iroquois and Loyalist victory, as the Patriot militia was hastily assembled, ill-equipped and inexperienced.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Colonel Guy Johnson and Karonghyontye (Captain David Hill) 1776

 An excuse to post this painting. Details here

Death of Sir William Johnson 250th


Johnson hosting an Iroquois conference at Johnson Hall in 1772 (painting by E. L. Henry, 1903)

From the wiki

Johnson died from a stroke at Johnson Hall on 11 July 1774 during an Indian conference. Guy Johnson, William's nephew and son-in-law (he had married Mary/Polly), reported that Johnson died when he was "seized of a suffocation."[94] His funeral in Johnstown was attended by more than 2,000 people. His pallbearers included Governor William Franklin of New Jersey and the justices of the New York Supreme Court. He was buried beneath the altar in St. John's Episcopal church, the church he founded in Johnstown. The next day chiefs of the Six Nations performed the condolence ceremony and recognized Guy Johnson as Sir William's successor.[95]

During the American Revolution, the rebel New York legislature seized all of Johnson's lands and property, as his heirs were Loyalists.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Sweet Liberty (1986) Full movie


This is a comedy starring Alan Alda, Michael Caine and Michelle Pfeiffer about making a movie about the American Revolution. Is pretty funny. Wiki
Dr. Michael Burgess, an esteemed historian specializing in the American Revolution, finds his meticulously researched novel Sweet Liberty transformed into a Hollywood film production right in his hometown of Sayeville, North Carolina. Despite the pride he feels at the prospect of his work reaching a larger audience, Michael is dismayed to discover that the film adaptation strays significantly from his original story, ignoring historical accuracy and deviating from the essence of his book. As he reluctantly collaborates with the film's hack screenwriter Stanley Gould to salvage the project, Michael's world becomes even more complex when his personal life intersects with the film's glamorous cast and crew, leading to unexpected tensions and entanglements.

From Russia

 So my illustrations have been used in a series of Russian books on the French and Indian war. I think the author Alex Stepkin has figured out a way to send me copies. 

"My fourth book on the Seven Years War in North America has been published, "Oswego Officers: Formation of the 50 and 51 Regiments (1755-1756). )"
The book deals with the formation of two infantry regiments, Shirley and Pepperella, in English North American colonies. The book also features brief biographies of officers who served in these regiments. " Translated from Russia

Thursday 11 July 2024

At Fort Ti

 Fort Ticonderoga presents the 1759 Siege of Carillon two-day battle reenactment July 20-21! Through a combination of demonstrations, vignettes, narrated boat cruises, and battle reenactments, visitors will experience the British advance for Lake George. Become immersed in this 18th-century siege; featuring the constant roar of cannon, thrilling battle reenactments, and even a nighttime program where visitors are immersed in the battle for Carillon, named Ticonderoga by the British once they capture the fort from the French. 

The Battle Reenactment will take place all weekend and is included as part of daily admission. Tickets are buy one day, visit the next day FREE!

Fort Massachusetts 1746

 I thought this was a good image. Don't know who by though. It is the siege of Fort Massachusetts 1746. Read about it here

Thursday 4 July 2024

Happy 4th of July

 Happy 4th of July.

By Frederick Kemmelmeyer

General George Washington: Reviewing The Western Army At Fort Cumberland, Circa 1800

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Fort Necessity 1754 by Ralph Mitchard

 These pics were done to go with a manuscript on the Virginia Regiment. It was going to be on Foundry books but it fell through.

Battle of Fort Necessity 1754

 Watch a short clip from Life of Washington here

Today's anniversary. Here

Battle of Wyoming 1778

 Today's anniversary. Wiki

The Battle of Wyoming, also known as the Wyoming Massacre, was a military engagement during the American Revolutionary War between Patriot militia and a force of Loyalist soldiers and Indigenous warriors. The battle took place in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania on July 3, 1778 in what is now Luzerne County. The result was an overwhelming defeat for the Americans. The battle is often referred to as the "Wyoming Massacre" because of the roughly 300 Patriot casualties, many of whom were killed by the Seneca and Cayuga as they fled the battlefield or after they had been taken prisoner.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Moira Furnace Museum and Country Park 6/7 July

 American War of Independence weekend. Events

This weekend, the reenactors are back! We will be hosting Redcoats and Revolutionaries for their American War of Independence Weekend. There'll be skirmishes, a battle, and plenty to learn about the connections between Moira and the War of Independence. Plus, the boat will be running and the museum will open as usual!

Make sure to head to the furnace for a fun day out for all the family! We can't wait to see everyone.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

More Peter Rindisbacher

(Swiss born, Canadian/American, 1806-1834)
A Gentleman Travelling in a Dog Cariole in Hudson's Bay with an Indian Guide

Apple River Fort

 Pic from visit Galena

Wa-Co-Mo aka Fast Walker Sac and Fox 1868


War dance of the Sauk and Foxes Peter Rindisbacher

 Wiki on the artist here

Apple River Fort


#OnThisDay we travel back to the Black Hawk War in 1832, when Sauk and Fox warriors attacked Apple River Fort near Galena. One person at the fort died and two were injured. None of the men led by Black Hawk were killed, but his effort to reclaim tribal land in Illinois would soon end in bloody defeat.

📍 You can visit the Apple River Fort Historic Site in Elizabeth!

Thursday 20 June 2024

Remembering Donald Sutherland

 Here he is in Revolution (1985)

Obscure battle from 1759

 Battle of the Twin Villages.

this is a mural painted in 1765 that details the destruction of Mission Santa Cruz de San Saba (which occurred in 1758). The mural was commissioned by Pedro Romero de Terreros, who had sponsored the mission and whose cousin died in the attack. The unsigned mural is attributed to Jose de Paez. It was titled "The Destruction of Mission San Sabá in the Province of Texas and the Martyrdom of the Fathers Alonso de Terreros, Joseph Santiesteban"

Monday 17 June 2024

Bunker Hill 1775


21st Royal North British Fuzileers 1775 this regiment weren't at Bunker Hill  - to see who was go here

Today's anniversary. Here

Friday 7 June 2024

Scots day at Fort Ticonderoga


New from Trexler Historical art

 Facebook page 

New print release today!

"Wayne's campaign of 1794"

2nd Battalion, 1st Sub Legion


50 signed and numbered giclee prints

On the morning of 20 August, the Legion approached Falling Timbers. Wayne divided his infantry into two wings, the right commanded by BG James Wilkinson, the other by COL John Hamtramck. A brigade of mounted Kentuckians guarded the open left flank, while the Legion’s cavalry secured the right along the Maumee. Scott’s remaining forces formed a reserve.

The vanguard of the Legion came under fire and after some initial confusion, Wilkinson regained control of the situation. Wayne then rode forward, his eyes flashing. He correctly determined the strength of the enemy and their positions, and quickly saw that mounted troops would be largely ineffective on the battlefield. Under fire and in intense pain from gout, he immediately ordered his infantry to charge with bayonets to flush the Indians out of their positions, where they could be cut down by musket fire. Unused to a well disciplined enemy, the Indians, who expected to be the ones charging, broke and ran towards Fort Miamis. The Indians fled so fast that mounted troops on the flanks had difficulty catching them. Nonetheless, dragoons from the Legion charged headlong at the log barriers like jockeys at a steeplechase, cutting down the Indian warriors with their sabers. The dragoons’ charge completed the rout.

The battle lasted less than an hour and proved decisive. Wayne lost less than forty killed and approximately 100 wounded. The British at Fort Miamis refused to admit their allies, and the British garrison made all efforts not to provoke a war with the Americans Wayne then destroyed Indian villages and crops nearby.

Within three months, the United States signed a treaty with Britain that pledged their evacuation from the Northwest Territory forts by 1796. The following year, Wayne negotiated the Treaty of Greenville with the Indians, effectively opening Ohio to American settlers.

Friday 24 May 2024

From Dayton Shaun Williams.

 William “Grand Sir” Berryhill. 2nd Tennessee Militia 

Gaining ground on the Red Stick Creeks @ Horseshoe Bend. Circa 1814

Since February, I have been doing weekly uploads on YouTube covering all things 18th to early 19th century in Alabama! Go give it a look! Along the Wolf Trail👍🏼

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Stillman's Run

 The first skirmish of the Black Hawk War took place #OnThisDay in 1832. Sauk and Meskwaki forces, who were trying to reclaim land in Illinois, defeated state militia led by Isaiah Stillman. The militia's panicky retreat led to the event being called the Battle of Stillman's Run.

Keokuk 1834 George Catlin


Wednesday 8 May 2024

From Old Fort Niagara

 2024 is the 250th anniversary of the arrival of the 8th Regiment of Foot at Fort Niagara. The regiment’s commander, Lt. Col. John Caldwell received orders to deploy to the Great Lakes in March 1774. During May and June, the regiment moved to their new postings at Michilimackinac, Detroit, Fort Niagara and Oswegatchie. Caldwell took command of Fort Niagara in early August. With the outbreak of the American Revolution the following year, the regiment remained on the Great Lakes for eleven long years.

Monday 29 April 2024

Sainte-Foy 1760

 Forgot this anniversary the other day. To make up for this here is a blog piece on the Battle including a 15mm wargame of it. 

Tuesday 23 April 2024

Hessian in the U.K.

 This portrayal is 2 years in the making. Von Donop 1776. By Marshall Beresford.  Very good. Check out his Facebook page here

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Monday 8 April 2024


 Back in the late 90s we (French and Indian war reenactors) used to rent a woodland in Wales for the weekend. Then we would do skirmishes and camps. It was great fun and sometimes we would get 30 odd participants. We even tried night battles.

Minisink 245 years ago.

  Read about it here The Battle of Minisink  took place during the  American Revolutionary War  at  Minisink Ford, New York , on July 22, 17...