Saturday 26 February 2022

Agent of Empire: "The Life and Times of Daniel Hyacinthe Marie Lienard de Beaujeu"

 A webinar hosted by Old Fort Niagara on YouTube

Fort Ticonderoga's Battle on Snowshoes

From Fort Ticonderoga. These are excellent photos. Well done.

 'The fresh blanket of snow really set the stage for today's Battle on Snowshoes Reenactment! 

Thank you to everyone who joined us on a beautiful February day!'

Tuesday 15 February 2022

New Ticonderoga 1758 painting by Don Troiani

 Always good to see new Don Troiani artwork, Buy a print here 

See Don's Facebook page for early sequences of this painting plus some close ups. 

Friday 11 February 2022

Beaujeu at Grand Pré

 Today's anniversary. For more on Beaujeu see the event at Old Fort Niagara below.

From here

His 28,000-word journal of the 10-month campaign includes a detailed account of their greatest exploit. After a 150-mile march in bitter mid-winter, 300 Canadians and Indians attacked 500 New Englanders billeted in Grand Pré and forced their surrender after bloody fighting (11 Feb. 1747) [see Arthur Noble]. In several separate columns, they made a stealthy approach in the middle of the night. “A sentry who spotted us cried Who goes there? . . . We saw the watchkeeper come at once to the door. But the night was so dark, and we were hugging the ground so carefully, making no noise, that although we were within thirty paces, he considered it a false alarm and went back inside again. . . . In less than ten minutes we took the guardhouse. . . . All around we could hear musket fire. In every direction we could see men moving without being able to distinguish if they were our people or the enemy. . . . We had almost all lost our snowshoes and the amount of snow prevented us from moving smartly. . . . We would have been more gratified with our achievements if we had been able to learn that the other detachments had had as good success.”

Wednesday 2 February 2022

A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson

 A narrative of the captivity of Mrs. Johnson: containing an account of her sufferings, during four years, with the Indians and French : together with an appendix, containing the sermons, preached at her funeral and that of her mother with sundry other interesting articles


Mrs. Johnson and her companions were taken prisoner at "No. 4", now Charlestown, N.H., in a raid of Indians from St. Francis, Canada, in Aug. 1754

Interesting theme from Old Fort Niagara

 This February. From  Old Fort Niagara | Facebook

Tuesday 1 February 2022

From Jas. Townsends

 It is with deep regret that we inform you that James Townsend has passed away over the weekend after complications from a heart attack. Many of you were friends with Jim. He started selling candle lanterns to the historical reenacting community in 1973, which turned into a catalog mail order company that was run out of his garage, and eventually turned into the Jas. Townsend and Son that you know today. For almost fifty years he enjoyed, encouraged, and supported the historical reenacting community. He will be missed. From Jas. Townsends Facebook