Thursday, 29 September 2011

Charleville musket

This image shows the distinct advantage the 3 banded 'Charleville' muskets had over the Brown Bess - you could clean the barrel more easily.
Charleville musket wiki

French forces Niagara 2011

Pretty good viewpoint of the arival of the French forces at this years Niagara. We can only dream of seeing numbers like this in Europe.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Battle at Audley End 1987

Set of photos of the event mentioned below when American Revwar reenactors came en masse to the UK - includes an image of childrens tv presenter (from Blue Peter) Caron Keating who took part as a member of the 17th Light Dragoons! English Heritage brought out a souvenir VHS - be nice to see that on Youtube sometime.

Grenadier officer Bourbonnais Regiment

Photographed in the UK back in the 80s - see below for the story.

Washington debarque a Douvres

In 1987 (I think) a load of US and Canadian Revwar reenactors came over to England - sponsored by a supermarket chain and flown over by the US air force and the guests of English Heritage. Events were done at places like Dover Castle and Audley End. A few UK reenactors took part. I didn't but I remember being pretty interested by the coverage it got in the media which was extensive. It strangely didn't really start a wave of Revwar reenacting as it should have done but there ya go. This is a piece of an article on the subject from French military magazine Tradition. Two of Britains only Iroquois reenactors were allowed to take part with the Royal Yorkers - see the picture here

French army in the American Revolution

Smarting from their defeat in the Seven Years War the French army went through a big shake up in the decades before the Revolution so by the time they appeared on the American scene they were a state of the art force. It would be great if one of the regiments could be recreated in France - if there are any groups out there get in touch. Similarly if you are an individual in France maybe you aren't the only one - Pedersoli do an interesting 1766 fusil - not sure if that's correct though as I am not an expert. (The artwork image by Don Troiani of the Regiment Saintonge captures the elegant efficiency that typifies the French army at the time).

rope tensioned field drums

Prices and available dimensions are here at Marcus Music (in the UK). The size of Revwar drums is addressed in the Neuman 'Collector's Encyclopedia of the American Revolution'.

Fife and drums in the UK

Something that is needed in the UK is more fife and drums in the 18th century reenactment scene - after all it is pretty important (providing the jaunty soundtrack to the miseries of the battlefield) - be good to see more fife and drums in any case. I am sure the Lexington Minute company would be interested in hearing from you if you fancy fifing and drumming.
A fifer and drummer, from Catchpenny Prints, Bowles and Carver, London, first published in the late 1780s from here where you can hear Yankee Doodle.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Seven Years War Inc at Koh-Koh-Mah & Foster 2011

Facebook gallery here. Some pretty damn good photos here. I have been toying with the idea of doing a Flintlock and Tomahawk Facebook page as it might be easier for comments etc. What do you think?

Battle of Longue-Pointe

Took place today in 1775. There's an interesting blog piece on the battle here at the Miniature History of the American Revolution site.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Top ten American Revolution movies

Someone has made a list - see here. There's one I don't know 'April Morning' (1988) about the battles of Lexington and Concorde. I woukl have put 'Drums Along the Mohawk' on the top of this list not the bottom!

Saratoga Reenactment from Dragoons

I like Revwar dragoons - either side - here's a pleasant display film.

Rogers' Ranger

By the great Don Troiani.

Hugh Hudson's 'Revolution'

As I often say an underrated film and worth seeing for the visual feast that it is. If you were having an 18th century movie weekend then I would definitely put it in there with 'Barry Lyndon' and 'the Madness of King George' - I don't think I'd insult my viewers with 'the Patriot' though. What movies would you have? 'Mohicans'? 'Dangerous Liaisons'?

Monday, 19 September 2011

84th Regiment (Royal Highland Emigrants)

From here

Perrys' new website

More information about the forthcoming AWI plastics on their new redesigned website. Go here

Royal Artillery Saratoga campaign

G Embleton's reconstruction based on the Von Germann drawing.

Friedrich von Germann

One of the best resources for the appearance of troops during the Revolution are the Von Germann drawings. Friedrich von Germann was a captain of a regiment from Hesse-Hanau. Here's a few examples of 'Hessian' troops plus a Canadian farmer.

First battle of Saratoga

This was fought today in 1777. Wiki here.
Board game based on the campaign here

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Quebec 1759 Video Review

Review of the boardgame based on the conquest of Quebec.

A Few Acres of Snow

Going to look at a few boardgames for the F&I - not much of a boardgame geek myself but my son plays 'em. This one looks good - a card based game - read about it here. See an illustrated review which shows what you get in the box here.
Download the rules in PDF form in different languages here
Boardgame geek analysis here

British take Quebec city

On this day in 1759. The image is one I found on the web - looks like Angus McBride is the artist.

Saturday, 17 September 2011

16th Light Dragoons

Been happily trawling through the fine artwork and interesting artefacts on Don Troiani's Facebook page - here - and found this interesting depiction of the 16th - the other British dragoon regiment and Mr Troiani says
• The 16th (Queen's) Light Dragoons, mounted and dismounted. Jim Kochan's research conclusively showed dark blue jackets worn during the Brandywine campaign in addition to issues of rifles to both foot and mounted men.

17th Light Dragoons blog

I am a big fan of Revwar cavalry, so I am particularly pleased to see this informative and colourful blog on the subject

Shawnee warrior

By Don Troiani. This blog is rapidly becoming a fan site for him but you have to admire the man's work. He has a Facebook page if you want to see more and interact with him.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Chasseurs-Volontaires de Saint-Domingue

At Savannah 1779, from wikipedia
consisting of over 500 gens de couleurfree men of color from Saint-Domingue—fought on the French side. Henri Christophe, who later became king of independent Haiti, is thought to have been among these troops. Many other less notable Haitians served in this unit and formed the officer class of the rebel armies in the Haitian Revolution, especially in the North Province around today's Cap Haitien where the unit was recruited

Spanish troops at Pensacola

Grenadiers and Militia attecking defences. Also see F Back's reconstruction here

Siege of Savannah 1779

Today the siege by Franco-American forces started. Wiki on it here. Image is of the 21st Belsunce Dragoons (Don Troiani) who I believe served dismounted. Incidentally Baccus have a useful page on French uniforms for the siege here

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Perrys go plastic for Revwar/AWI

Well this is good news indeed! I might even blow the dust of my wallet and invest in some meself. On the forum where I found it it says;
This will be the first in a series of AWI plastics. American militia and Continentals are also in the pipeline. Only four of the five figures for the infantry sprue are shown here. Formal cocked, half-cocked hats and cut-down 'Saratoga' caps will be included for all in the box.

In case you don't know they will be 28mm scale and the Perry's already have a large metal range in this scale here. Cost for the plastics? Looking on ebay a box of 42 of their ACW Zouaves cost about 18 pounds.

The Revolutionary War Diary of Chaplain Andrew Hunter, New Jersey Brigade, Continental Army

Interesting first-hand account of the New York campaign and the Sullivan expedition of 1779.

Landing at Kip's Bay

This event happened today in 1776 during the New York campaign. Wiki here

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

new from Galloping Major

Some new production figures of settlers and civilians defending for use in a variety of scenarios from smugglers to Militia. New greens of forthcoming Provincial troops are also on the website.

Monday, 12 September 2011

Conte Collectibles

A range of figures inspired by Northwest Passage is this one of Rangers and Indians.

Scene from Northwest Passage

Time for a little Robert Rogers as seen in the movies. Notice the diamond pattern on his cross belt - obviously those studio props that Benjamin West and so on used in their depiction of Rogers had their influence over the years. Some even thought it was a badge of rank but that is mere fantasy. This scene looks like it inspired the cover of Tim Todish's book 'America's First First World War'. The zigzag crossbelts turn up on this image too! See more images of this beaded belt here.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Von Steuben's drill

Probably the most influential foreigner involved in the Revolution was Friedrich Wilhelm Von Steuben who wrote the drill manual which was in use up to the War of 1812 by the infant US army. Read it here.

Death of General Mercer at Princeton by Trumbull

Another depiction of the battle of Princeton and the death of Hugh Mercer.
Trumbull wiki

Battle of Princeton by William Mercer

Go here for a zoomable version of this excellent battle scene from the Revwar. (Detail taken from there of gunners.) The artist was the deaf mute son of the man mortally injured in the background near a white horse Hugh Mercer who became a martyr for the Patriot cause.

Xavier della Gatta

This Italian artist painted two important battle scenes - apparently from descriptions of an officer who was present. They are Paoli (top) and Germantown (bottom)

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Fife and Drum Miniatures

I have mentioned these excellent sculpts before but there has been additions to the range since then. A seriously superior standard is my first thoughts on these figures.

Battle of Jersey 1781

So we had our own Revwar battle in the UK when a French force landed and tried to capture Jersey. Commemorated by this painting by J Singleton Copley. Anyone know anything about the French force - what regiments were they from? Battle wiki

David R Wagner

This historical artists work celebrates the arrival and encampment of Rochambeau's French forces. Check them all out

Battle of Groton Heights

Fought today in 1781. Wiki on the battle. More on the battle here

Sunday, 4 September 2011

"Bugle Horns", "conk shells," and "Signals by Drum": Miscellaneous Notes on Instruments During the American War for Independence

Interesting article on the use of horns and bugles in the Revwar here

16th Light Dragoons

The 'other' Light Dragoon regiment in the Americas, this redcoat unit had a less illustrious career as the 17th. Usually depicted wearing a tarleton. Read about the recreated 16th here

Seminole warriors 1/72 reviewed
