Monday 29 August 2016

French and Indian War by Ralph Mitchard

Redcoat Seven Years War
Jersey Blues


French Niagara

Black Watch Ticonderoga 1758

More of my drwings can be seen here

American Revolution in France

This weekend just gone in France there was an American Revolution event with groups coming from near and far to recreate an action based on Yorktown. Present and pictured were French groups Soissonnais, Royal-Artillerie and from Italy the King's 8th (Progetto Redcoats and Rebels).
 Photos by Alessia Maria Simona Giorda. 

Also see here  at the Soissonnais website

Thursday 25 August 2016

General Rochambeau’s French Army 1780-1783 RenĂ© Chartrand

Well illustrated pdf here


The regiment, commanded by Vicomte de Poudeux, was among forces under Saint Simon brought from the West Indies to Yorktown. RĂ©giment de Touraine principal engagements: Yorktown ; St Christophe ; Les Sainte

Regiment du Soisonnais

I'm very interested in the American Revolution period in France and these photos from this year please me greatly. See more here. 
See them in action at the event below. Also see here

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Iroquois Patrick Prugne

Le 25 aout, les Ă©ditions Daniel Maghen publient le dernier album de Patrick Prugne : Iroquois. Après Pawnee et Frenchman, le dessinateur continue Ă  explorer l’Histoire de l’AmĂ©rique et des Indiens lors de l’arrivĂ©e des EuropĂ©ens,  soldats, colons ou explorateurs. Dans ce dernier album, il se penche sur l’Ă©popĂ©e de Samuel de Champlain, chargĂ© par le roi de France d’explorer et de pacifier les rives du Saint-Laurent. L’enjeu de l’expĂ©dition est le contrĂ´le du commerce des peaux avec diffĂ©rentes tribus, Hurons, Algonquins et Montagnais. GuidĂ© par le Basque, un trappeur sans scrupule, Champlain s’enfonce en territoire iroquois. Il va se retrouver en plein milieu d’une guerre indienne. Une belle histoire d’aventure merveilleusement dessinĂ©e, mais avec Patrick Prugne, ce n’est pas une surprise. Jugez par vous mĂªme !
See more here

Saturday 20 August 2016

Fallen Timbers

On 20 August 1794 United States forces were victorious at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, the final battle of the Northwest Indian War. Anthony Wayne's decisive victory led to the 1795 Treaty of Greeneville, which ended major hostilities in the region until Tecumseh's War began.

The  illustration below is taken from Campaign 256: Fallen Timbers 1794 by John F Winkler. The illustration is by Peter Dennis -

If you'd like to read more about the Battle of Fallen Timbers pick up a copy of Campaign 256: Fallen Timbers 1794 by John F Winkler, currently available at a 30% discount as part of our Summer Sale!

Fallen Timbers 1794

Today's anniversary. Watch a video on the battle here

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Forts of the American Revolution 1775-83 Rene Chartrand (Osprey)

Buy here and see inside. Though primarily fought in the field, the American Revolution saw fortifications play an important part in some of the key campaigns of the war. Field fortifications were developed around major towns including Boston, New York and Savannah, while the frontier forts at Stanwix, Niagara and Cumberland were to all be touched by the war. This book details all the types of fortification used throughout the conflict, the engineers on all sides who constructed and maintained them, and the actions fought around and over them.

Monday 8 August 2016

Sunday 7 August 2016

Rev War Re-enactors UK

There is quite a good deal of activity for this period in Britain. Things are definitely happening. If you want in on the action and get reenacting the American Revolution then go to this Facebook group and take it from there. Photo Tina Chalk.

Bushy Run

Photo from yesterday from here

Monday 1 August 2016

Les Mousquets du roy

On August 7, Les Mousquets du roy will be part of the commemoration of the 325th anniversary of the battles of LaPrairie. They will attend as 1691 soldiers of the troupes de la Marine and Canadian volonteers. La Société d'histoire de la La Prairie-de-la-Magdeleine.