Thursday, 28 April 2016

SYW French 40mm moulds

Steve M has some interesting news for SYW fans. Prince August French. See the renders on the Lace Wars in Tin blog  here

François Gaston de Lévis

Battle of Sainte-Foy 1760

 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Battle of Sainte-Foy, sometimes called the Battle of Quebec, was fought on April 28, 1760 near the British-held town of Quebec in the French province of Canada during the Seven Years' War 
   It was a victory for the French under the Chevalier de Lévis over the British army under General Murray. The battle was notably bloodier than the Battle of the Plains of Abraham of the previous September, with 833 French casualties to 1,124 British casualties. It was the last French victory of the French and Indian War.
 Image from here

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Mount Vernon to Host One of the Largest Revolutionary War Encampments of the Year

MOUNT VERNON, VA – Join Mount Vernon April 30 and May 1 for one of the largest Revolutionary War encampments in the area! Step back in time and experience more than 500 Continentals, Redcoats, Hessians, cannon, and cavalry in action at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.
Schedule and more details

Monday, 25 April 2016


Back in the 90s we used to have a wood that we hired to do skirmish weekends. In Wales. They were a lot of fun and a good source of photos without the public around. Here's some of our French forces posing for the camera

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Illustrated British Classics: The Last of the Mohicans (Limited Edition)

 This was originally published in the kids magazine 'Tell Me Why?' - I know cos I used to get it!
Details here

36th Foot

 As it's St George's Dy I thought I'd post some redcoat pics. Here's one of my favourites from back in the day - the 36th weren't in America but used to participate in F&I events. The regiment is still going.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Bunker Hill Movie

News of this project here

Radisson TV intro (1957) aka Tomahawk

Intro to the 1957-1958 Canadian TV series Radisson (aka Tomahawk in the US and UK). It aired in both English and French. Wiki on the series

Joseph Blackburn

Joseph Blackburn was an English portrait painter who worked mainly in Bermuda and colonial America.
Subject: unidentified officer in Massachusetts militia coat (once thought to be General Joshua Winslow).[3] IAP 08600023

Seminole warriors 1/72 reviewed
