Friday, 30 August 2013

Rogers Ranger Gary Zaboly

Thomsomfeld sent me this image quite a while ago and I kind of ignored it as I thought it too fanciful but having seen the Thomas Davies Ranger picture I feel that this may have some historical basis. Apologies all round.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Fort Mims massacre

Today is the 200th anniversary of the Creek War (part of the War of 1812) Indian attack on Fort Mims. Wiki here  

Fort Mims webpage with details of the anniversary reenactments etc

Battle of Rhode Island 1778

Took place today. Wiki here

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

New Jersey Blues Provincials, private 1758

It's great to see a unit forming for this one of my favourite provincial regiments.This is a print from Don Troiani - buy it from here. See my posts on the Jersey Blues here and here. Also here

NFOE at Westerham

In the UK a note for your diary is the 7th and 8th of September when New France Old England return to Wolfe's birthplace for a battle and display. See a write up on their last visit here.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Siege of Fort Stanwix

This siege was abandoned today in what was to prove pivotal in the general campaign of Burgoyne. Wiki here

In Humbert's Footsteps

Images here from a recent reenactment of the 1798 French invasion of Ireland.
They say
 At the weekend, professional re-enactors from France, Ireland and the UK gathered in Mayo for a re-enactment of the landing of General Humbert in 1798. Here's what happened!
  Incidentally Osprey have this recent Embleton Osprey for a cheap price - on the Osprey website

Wargame figures for this conflict are available from Trent Mniatures from Northstar.

Monday, 19 August 2013

original pics from Sortie of Gibraltar...

 Thomsomfeld sent me these excellent links to the action around Gibraltar - 'Gib' being in the news at the moment

8th Grader finds French Saintonge button

News item here
 Image from Don Troiani from here of a Chasseur of the Saintonge regiment.

Photos of the weekend's reenactment at Lake George

See more here

Battle of Blue Licks 1782

This battle was fought today in 1782. Wiki.  Famous for the involvement of Daniel Boone.  

Griffing Art

Go here to see the Native images from the great painter.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Last of the Mohicans deleted scene

Here. You might not have seen this clip - I hadn't until recently - it's not bad - worth a look - apparently isn't on the Blu Ray release.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Battle of Camden - the Patriot

Believe it or not I dont think I have featured this movie before as it is pretty terrible but this battle scene is pretty good and worth watching. It's one of the best reconstructions of linear warfare I have seen but that's just my opinion.

Fort William Henry reenactment

On this weekend. Facebook page here 
visitor info

Battle of Camden 1780

Today in the Revwar was this British victory. Wiki

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Monday, 12 August 2013

More Fulda photos

Here from the local paper. I mention this event in case some of you are thinking of coming to Europe for the Minden battle maybe could get invited to that.
Incidentally if you are a Hessian fan there's a newish book on the Hessians in the Jacobite Rising - over on my Wars of Louis Quatorze blog.

Fulda on German TV

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Devil's Hole massacre

I have been trying to find out more about this battle in 1763 between Senecas and Gage's Regiment but only found this book - anyone know much on the subject? Wiki

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Battle of Kenapacomaqua 1791

Today this Miami town was attacked as part of the Northwest Territory War. Wiki

US Marines

Thomsomfeld sent me this image - not sure who its by and so on but it is a cool pic.

New King's Mountain Revwar from Galloping Major

The Over Mountain Men sculpts by Alan Marsh - going into production soon. Also pictured are some of the 240 heads that will be available for various different AWI types. The heads will also be available in separate packs. They will be available to order from in the UK, Europe etc., and from in the US. Cheers, Lance

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Languedoc soldier

A French Languedoc soldier on campaign in the summer of 1755. — at Fort Ticonderoga.

Oriskany 1777

This bloody battle of the American Revolution that saw Iroquois fighting Iroquois took place today 1777. Wiki here
See a Black Powder wargame of the battle here

Monday, 5 August 2013

New Fort William Henry Osprey

A new piece of artwork has been released by Osprey from Ian Castle's forthcoming Osprey on Fort William Henry.
Ian Castle (see photo) is well known as a reenactor and author over here in the UK and his years of reenacting the F&I war with NFOE will make this a cracking book when it comes out.
Illustrator: Graham Turner
PS - I heard from Ian with some more details - he says
The book will actually start with the 1755 campaign on the Lake George frontier and carry the story on up to the end of the fort's life after the siege of August 1757. The artwork plate you have is illustrating Dieskau's attack on Johnson's camp at the Battle of Lake George. The other artwork plates show incidents from the March 1757 siege, the August 1757 siege and, finally, a scene from the 'massacre'.

One Mile To Bushy Run Station by Robert Griffing

Poster available from here where there is a description

Musket and Tomahawk SYW Highlanders

Bushy Run's 250th

Image by Don Troiani - print from here.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

77th Regiment of Foot (Montgomerie's Highlanders)

The 'other' Highland regiment at Bushy Run. Wiki. 
77th at the Project SYW
See the excellent Czech unit recreating the 77th 

Black Watch 1756 by D J Neary

webpage with description here. 
I think the 42nd changed their facing colour and were blue faced by 1763 - anyone verify this? Actually I found it out to be correct by looking at the Project SYW page
 I have been looking for a Muskets and Tomahawks scenario for Bushy Run but no luck so far. With the new SYW Highlanders coming out from Northstar it is certainly doable...

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Friday, 2 August 2013

War that Made America II

Here's 57 minutes of F&I reconstructions.

Old Sturbridge Village

'August starts off with a bang at Old Sturbridge Village! Redcoats & Rebels is this weekend Aug. 3-4 and it's the largest Revolutionary War reenactment in New England.'

Seminole warriors 1/72 reviewed
