Monday, 31 December 2012

Thanks to Norm for these two links. First up is a letter from Washington to his mother describing the battle of Monongahela and the other is a page about the action at Great Meadows Fort Necessity.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Have a great season - here's an image of Canadians by Cornelius Krieghoff

Thursday, 20 December 2012

French and Indian war image

Infanterie française au Canada, 1755-1760, nouveau dessin inédit de Maître Louis Frégier, peintre titulaire de l'Armée, en hommage à Maître Eugène Leliepvre.
French infantry in Canada, by Master Louis Frégier, official painter to the french army, in tribute to Master Eugène Leliepvre.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

First Thanksgiving 1777

So today, the 18th, was the official first thanksgiving - thanks being given in particular for the victory over Burgoyne at Saratoga in October.

Monday, 17 December 2012

The Mississinewa 1812

Today and tomorrow is the bicentennial of this action in the War of 1812. Read about it here.
There's an interesting article from Keith Raynor here

Winter scout photo

This is Martin Psenicka from the Czech Redcoat (His Majesty's Independent Company of Foot) group's photo, but I had to share it.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

LOUIS MÉNADE by Ronald Embleton

Thomsomfeld found this image from here - It's a great character piece - I don't know anything about Louis Menade - any of you know? I presume its a Compagnies franches de la Marine study though obviously it should have blue cuffs but information was not so easy to get on the subject as now.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

All about New France Old England

Promotional film for the UK FIW society

Lying down

Something that is not made enough of in wargame rules or figures is the fact that Canadians were prone (sorry) to lie down to fire and load - something that seems quite normal to us but was something that was not the norm in the 18th century. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? (Incidentally I don't remember where I found this image - if its you let me know!)

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Canadian footwear

This lovely looking pair of souliers de boeuf are made by Soulier Tannes. See their Facebook page

Royal artillerie

There was about 40 of this regiment of specialists in North America during the Seven Years war.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Régiment de la Reine

SYW Project
Also see 1759 image here

French drill for 1759

Régiment du Roi

 Du Roi infanterie. 
This regiment was present at Minden, Rossbach, Krefeld and more.

Le Régiment du Roi a été levé en 1663 et c’est devenu le 105e Régiment d’Infanterie en 1791. Colonel propriétaire du régiment était toujours le Roi de France. Pendant la Guerre de Sept Ans, le 12e Régiment du Roi s’est battu à Hastenbeck, Hanovre, Zell, Rossbach, Krefeld, Minden, Corbach, Göttingen, Warburg, Vellinghausen, Neuhaus, and Melsungen.

Minden 2014

This SYW reenactment in Northern Germany has had a good deal of interest from North American groups which is ace so don't miss out on the fun - sign up for the Facebook page. Of course I have time to put together an outfit - what shall I do? Minden photos here
Wiki on the battle 
Order of battle here

Czech winter trek F&I style

Photos here

Fort Loudoun Forsaken by God and Man

Facebook page. A great source for some really picturesque images like this one.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Friday, 7 December 2012

French and Indian special

WARGAMES ILLUSTRATED: Issue #302 December 2012 Cover theme:
In our first article for this month’s theme, Neil Smith and Chris Peers introduce us to the history and guide us through the practical information required for bringing a F&IW force to bear on the tabletop.

In this article Rich Jones tells us about his ‘slip’ into F&IW gaming, followed by a walk through of a Muskets & Tomahawks battle, featuring the iconic Rogers Rangers.

What should a French & Indian Wars tabletop look like? With the help of Grand Manner buildings, Neil Smith educates us on how to tell our wikiups from our wigwams in order to bring accurate F&IW scenery to our battlefields.

Paul Davies shows us how to make a Native American Longhouse.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Monday, 3 December 2012

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Ken Smith Historical Art

See more on the subject The Redcoat in Tennessee - A five-part series commemorating the rise and fall of the first British settlement in Tennessee
the caption to this image reads

October 27, 1759. Captain John Stuart and approximately seventy men of the South Carolina Provincial Regiment (known as the Buffs, because of their uniforms’ facings of buff-colored cloth) arrive at Fort Loudoun to shore up the beleaguered garrison and
deliver much-needed supplies of meat, flour, salt, ammunition, and clothing. Stuart’s arrival seemed to herald a new hope for peace, but the situation proved to have deteriorated to a point of no return.

Depicted: The South Carolina Provincial Regiment (the Buffs) shadowed by Cherokee warriors on their approach to Fort Loudoun

The Norfolk Discipline, 1759


Composed for the USE of the
  C O U N T Y of N O R F 0 L K - online here - posture pics around page 50

French bearskin

From the SYW period.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012



A list for those interested in re-enacting the French and Indian war as authentically as possible. Discussion revolves around research, authentic units, events, and advancing the quality of our impression.Go here

Monday, 26 November 2012

British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years war

From the Osprey by T Todish

Uniforms of the American Revolution

 Specifically about the Minutemen and Militia of the early years - so not really about uniforms at all but the everyday dress of the early Patriots - go here for a good primer on the subject. From the Progetto Redcoats and Rebels.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Minden 2014

Facebook page for the next reenactment of this battle in Germany. I know it's a long way off but how about some US involvement? Be good event to work towards? Anyhoo check out the page and think about it.

Redcoat 1740s

John Lambton's 68th Foot

Image from a recent album from their Facebook page.  Northern UK based group recreating the Seven Years War era. Photo Mrs Anne Yuill. Website

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Documents of the French and Indian war

Will Raffle from New France and Old England (UK's FI war society) has made a new website. If you have an interest in the F&I then hotfoot it over and see what's there. Recommended.

Battle of Wildcat Creek 1812

It's the two hundredth anniversary of this battle between Indians and Rangers. Wiki

Monday, 19 November 2012

Malá bílá vrána - Memento Mori (Official Music Video 2012)

A music video featuring Martin Psenika's group His Majesty's Independent Company of Foot based in the Czech republic. It's an interesting study on the life of a redcoat soldier in the SYW period and I hope you enjoy it.

From the 40th Foot's Facebook page

 From here
"Myself on picquet in a tempest disdaining a cloak" - a watercolor attributed to Lt. Richard St. George Mansergh St. George of the 52nd foot's LI company during the Philadelphia campaign.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Fort St. Frédéric

Model of what the Fort was like. Impressive. A veritable chateau it must have dominated the Lac St Sacrement area. Read about the commanders here where the pic is from. Wiki

Capture of Fort Washington

Happened today. See a Don Troiani painting of the event here. Wiki here

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Gary Zaboly Battle of Bloody Run 1763

This atmospheric image was on the 55th's Facebook page. It serves as a timely reminder that next year will be the 250th anniversary of the Pontiac campaign.Wiki on Bloody Run

Seminole warriors 1/72 reviewed
