Thursday, 29 March 2012

Pamela Patrick White Historical Art

Facebook page for this talented artist who paints in the timeline of this blog. This is a superb depiction of Rangers but there are many fine paintings to peruse. Thanks to Steve Stanley on the Lexington Minute Company page

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Fort Ti from Colonial Gothic

Fort Ticonderoga from the game below. By the way I don't get any freebies to this blog but if I see something that looks interesting I will let the commercial websites have their say. It's not that often you get stuff to do with the F&I but it seems to be a popular subject for adventure gaming which is what I assume you would call this type of game/book - unless some of you know otherwise?

Colonial Gothic: the French and Indian war

Colonial Gothic: The French & Indian War.

It was a different time.

A time when Washington was a militia colonel.

A time when Franklin was best known as a scientist. A time when Bostonians drank tea.

A time when the British were the good guys.

Welcome to a new era for Colonial Gothic, as the pages of history are tuned back to a time prior to the American Revolution. In The French & Indian War, players and gamemasters are presented with the tools and sources they need to run their games during this critical time of American history.

Join General Wolfe at the Siege of Quebec. Walk the woods with Hawkeye, Chingachgook and Uncas. Raid with Rogers' Rangers. Or pair this book with the New France sourcebook and fight to drive the British out of North America!

The French & Indian War includes historical background, new rules, adventure seeds, and game statistics for the leading personalities of the period 1754-1763.

To pre order a copy, and receive the PDF automatically, visit the Rogue Games Online Store and get your copy today!

MSRP: $17.99 (print) & $7.99 (PDF)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9826598-8-5
Pages: 150 B&W 6”x9” Softcover
SKU: RGG 1754

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Saturday, 24 March 2012


'The Historica-Dominion Institute, in partnership with Fort York National Historic Site, presents the first of our 1812 Shorts. In this edition Ojibway writer Drew Hayden Taylor discusses the role of First Nations in the War of 1812.'

Wilderness War - 'la guerre de la conquĂȘte'

Review of this board game by rusted dice

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Sunday, 18 March 2012

More 1780 Phillipines

Thanks to Uwe of the great History in 1/72 blog for sending these images of Phillipines troops from 1780. I think the artist is Pedro de Galarraga.

Officer 3rd New Jersey

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for finding this image

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

British officers 1775

Thanks to Thomsomfeld

Northwest Passage trailer

I like trailers - they condense a movie into a bit sized chunk. Here is a good example.The titles are superb.

Ralph Mitchard

Apparently we haven't has these images of me as a Compagnies franches de la Marine officer in the late 90s. In the top image I am receiving my commission at Fort Carillon.

American Regiment

Philadephia, Pennsylvania — Eight hundred volunteers drawn from the militia of several colonies board transports to sail as part of the joint British/American colonial expedition to capture the Spanish colony of Cartagena (today the nation of Colombia). In all, troops from eleven colonies take part in this endeavor, which ends in failure, due more to disease than enemy actions.
An officer (2nd from right) and men of the American Regiment organized to capture the Spanish colony of Cartagena. Except for the more practical light weight linen of the campaign dress shown on the right, the issued uniform was based upon the pattern worn by the British Army of the period.
Painting by Charles McBarron, Company of Military Historians

Fort Charlotte 1780

Today the Spanish took Fort Charlotte - the last British post capable of threatening New Orleans. Battle of Fort Charlotte wiki

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Johnny Depp's Tonto

Although its not really in the timeline of this blog I think the debate about whether Depp is Native enough to play the Lone Ranger's sidekick is relevant. Read about the debate here. Includes photo.

Tecumseh (1972)

OK I am a little confused - there seems to be two 1972 films about Tecumseh one German and one Russian. See if you can sort out the confusion. Let me know if you do

German language film about the great Shawnee. I think its up in its entirety.
IMdb here, Below is embedded the Russian version. See more here

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Close up of Don Troiani's battle of Oriskany painting

From Don's Facebook page. The incident depicts Two Kettles Together loading a musket for her wounded husband Honyere Tehawenkarogwen 'he who takes up the snowshoe'. More information on this from an Oneida perspective here in Oneida Hanyery vs. Joseph Brant.
St. Leger biography. More on the battle here

Fort Ticonderoga's Battle on Snowshoes event

On this weekend. And they have snow. Posted on the Fort Ti Facebook page.

TICONDEROGA, N.Y. — Fort Ticonderoga is hosting a wintertime re-enactment this weekend, with dozens of people expected to restage what is known as the Battle on Snowshoes.

The fort is closed for the winter but is reopening for Saturday's event, being held to commemorate the French and Indian War battle that was fought 254 years ago this Tuesday. About three dozen re-enactors are expected to participate.

The battle pitted Rogers' Rangers against a larger force of French and Indians. Losses were heavy on both sides as the combatants had to fight on snowshoes because of deep snow in the eastern Adirondacks.

Two larger re-enactments of the battle have been staged in Ticonderoga, including one in 2000 that attracted about 400 re-enactors and was held on the actual site of the battle, now home to the Ticonderoga Country Club.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Tapabord pattern

If you have been wanting to make a tapabord hat then here  at the excellent French in Winsconsin site have one on pdf.

Canadian Militia

I am sure you will have all seen this image before but what the hell. I think he is wearing a tapabord though its not clear.
"Canadiens en raquette." In: M. Bacqueville de la Potherie, Histoire de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Paris, 1722.

When Natives attack

Photo of a French and Indian war reenactment from Kirby Hall UK in about 1997. Good times.

Miliciens 1690s by Ralph Mitchard

Thought I'd post a couple of my drawings of King William's war Canadians. Not as good as the ones we had the other day but you get the idea.

New France in 1688

By Franquelin

Happy People - a year in the Taiga

Documentary (codirected by Werner Herzog) following Siberian trappers through the year. They make pretty much everything from scratch from dug out canoes to huts. Whilst you might think this is nothing to do with this blog and you might be right but it seemed an interesting look at the world of trapping and dealing with the extreme winter.

Happy People - Promo May 14, 2010 from Kay Mode on Vimeo.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Assassin's Creed 3

This is rare - a computer game set in 1777. My daughter Bea told me about this. The bumph reads;
More content on
18th Century North America. After more than 20 years of conflict, the 13 American colonies and the British Crown are on the brink of all out war. Battle lines are drawn. Bloodshed is inevitable.

Out of the embers of his burning village, a new assassin will rise. Born of Mohawk and British blood, his fight for freedom and justice will be forged in the flames of revolution. WIKI

Philip Madoc as Magua

IMdb on the series

Monday, 5 March 2012

BBC's Last of the Mohicans from 1971

Thanks to Steve Stanley for reminding me about this. The actor who played Magua, Philip Madoc, in this version, has just passed away so I post this in tribute. It was another impetus for a young me to get into the period and he was particularly chilling in it. This was filmed in the highlands of Scotland and is available on DVD

Battle of Minden, to be held in August 2014 in Minden/Germany.

This event was such a successful 250th anniversary
they are doing it all over again in 2014.
Image Garde Francoise from Italy. Webpage for the
2009 event
German reenactment magazine

'For the soldier to hut'

Article on troops' huts in the Seven Years War. By John Lambton's 68th Foot from the UK. (pictured)

How to build a model Indian longhouse

At this excellent blog.

Still from 'New France'

I was so excited by the idea of the movie New France starring Gerard Depardieu - also called Battle of the Brave in anglophone countries, but it would seem that there is very little to celebrate from what people have seen it have said. Have you seen it? This image is good though and when I saw it I thought at last but it was not to be. Maybe one day?

Boston massacre 1770

This pivotal event occurred today in 1770. Wiki here.
There's a reenactment of this event on the 10th of March hosted by the Bostonian society. Event page here
Here's what it says
Join us and become a part of this infamous event as it is reenacted in front of the Old State House, in the very place where it took place in 1770. Decide for yourself if the soldiers fired into the crowd in self-defense or cold-blooded murder. Before the action unfolds, hear from patriots, loyalists, and moderates who will talk about the events and attitudes that led to that fateful night. Free; in front of the Old State House. Time: 1900-2200

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...