Friday, 31 August 2012


Gage's, Highlanders and Light Infantry in ambush mode.

'Onward to Canada'

Fort Ticonderoga's "Onward to Canada" living history weekend is this Saturday and Sunday, September 1 and 2! For details visit Admission is included with Fort Ticonderoga's general admission ticket.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Friedrich Adolf Riedesel

Wiki here on the commander of the regiment.

Sapper, Brunswick Infanterie-Regiment von Riedesel, 1776-1777

Image by G Embleton for Parks Canada from here where there's a description.

Hessian 1/32

One project that I have been slowly doing is the Saratoga campaign in 1/32 scale - with the Armies in Plastic Woodland Indians another set/s that is/are useful are the Prussian SYW figs by Hat Industrie. You get 18 per box for the rank and file and there's also a command box. Excellent. Get some soon.

Von Riedesel recreated

This picture is from their Facebook page. It says

Regiment von Riedesel portrays musketeers from Braunschweig who served in General Riedesel's Leibkompanie during the American Revolution.
To accurately portray Musketeers and Grenadiers of the Braunschweig Regiment von Riedesel.
Our Musketeer Kompanie is based in the Midwest. (IL, IN, WI, MI, WI, KY, CO)
Our Grenadier Kompanie is based on the East Coast. (NE, NH, PA, NY)

Regiment von Riedesel 1777

 By Don Troiani
Thanks again to Thomsomfeld. History of this Brunswick regiment here

Redcoats for Bunker Hill

One of the interesting thing the organisers of the Bunker Hill reenactment in Italy have done to bump up the Brits on the field is to get some Royal Marine coats made in Pakistan to their own pattern and using their choice of materials - go to the Bunker Hill Facebook page to see the result. It is impressive.

Renaissance Vauban : Régiment du Hainaut

 Facebook page for this French unit covering the post SYW/Revwar era.

Revolution on the West Coast

Had a great response to my query about reenactment in California - the West Coast. The 29th Foot (the Vein Openers) are a British revwar unit there and on the links page they have details of all the other Californian units like Morgan's Rifles and the Delaware Light Infantry, The RWF and many more.

Tarleton's dragoons at the Battle of the Hook 2008

Thanks to Jean-Luc for finding this thread. More pictures here

Lauzun's Legion at the Battle of the Hook 2008

This engagement - a mainly cavalry action in the Yorktown campaign is being reenacted in 2013. Facebook page here where there is a detailed account of this showdown. This photo is part of a suite of pictures from 2008.

More early Troianis

Drummer of the 40th foot 1781 and 3rd New York 1776. Thanks to Thomsomfeld.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

French wilderness force for Muskets and Tomahawks

From the North Star Facebook page is this 200 pt starter force - looks good - what say you 28mm fans? They say 'Still a bit of design needed on the figures to get them ready for production, they should be ready in 14 days time'.

New museum charts Braddocks defeat

News item here

Friday, 24 August 2012

West Coast F&I?

Had a nice email of support yesterday and we chatted for a bit and the subject of reenactment on the West Coast came up. Do any of you know of any for the period in California or thereabouts?

Name this French regiment

The only unit to have lapels in the American theatre. Thomsomfeld sent me this Leleiprve and my brain is failing me - maybe you can help? Looks like Niagara in the background

Continental soldier 1781

Armies in Plastic Woodland Indians

Well I took the plunge and bought set 1 & 2 of these plastic figures (from Steve Weston who does a great turnaround). They can go with the Revwar 1/32s that I already have. Take me all autumn to paint them but I always said if someone brings out some decent woodland indians in 54mm I'd be getting them so that's partly why. Two boxes is 36 figures - cost 22 quid if you are interested. Don't worry about bendy muskets - these are straightened out by plunging them in boiling water.

Gunner of a canonnier-bombardier company in New France, between 1743 and 1750

Royal-Roussillon 1757

'A Drummer's Fear'

The French Royal-Roussillon Regiment breaks during the battle on the Plains of Abraham, Quebec. By J A Cooper - see more of his work and buy prints here

More 55th Foot

This time from Fred Ray

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Wolfe portrait for sale

Article on this posthumous portrait and its sale here

55th Foot - battle of Ticonderoga

This is from the old Wolfe's Army which was a very good book that was invaluable to F&I buffs back in the Dark Ages. Nowadays its hard to keep up with all the F&I Ospreys. This image depicts the regiment in the reforms as introduced by Lord Howe. Can't find the quote about them looking droll 'like Roundheads' - maybe one of you could furnish it?

Redcoats and Native

I think this is Russian - Thomsomfeld sent it to me.

Redcoats in Scotland

More travelling in inclement weather thanks to Thomsomfeld. I think this is by Ron Embleton but I might be wrong. It might be an illustration on the subject of military roads in Scotland - Old Military Roads in Scotland wiki.

French soldiers marching in the rain

Image by E Lelieprve - thanks to Thomsomfeld.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

"Monmouth 1778: Battle for the North" HD DVD Trailer - Washington's New Jersey Victory

Got this from the 40th  LI (Bloodhounds) Facebook page. It's a high quality film and worth a look.

US riflemen war of 1812

More on this unit here on an excellent French language site. More here in English where these is a Troiani image. This book from 2000 looks interesting if you want detail.

Muskets of the Revolution

I found this from a link on the Lexington Minute Company's Facebook page. It's an interesting and well illustrated article on the guns used in the 18thc wars here by George C. Neumann

3rd New York 1777

By Don Troiani - buy a print from here
The regiment would see action in the Invasion of Canada, New York Campaign, Fort Stanwix. It was relieved from Fort Stanwix in November, 1778 and took part in the Sullivan Expedition. Source Wiki piece

Coat worn during the siege of Fort Stanwix

Continental army uniform coat worn by Colonel Peter Gansevoort Jr. of the 3rd Regiment of the New York Continental Line. He wore this coat during his command of Fort Stanwix, New York, in 1777. From here

Fort Stanwix

Thie siege by a force of British, Loyalists and Indians was abandoned today in 1777. Wiki on the fort here. 
The siege was abandoned after a ruse de guerre when a relief force was exaggerated as being 'as numerous as leaves on a tree' which caused Brant's natives to leave the siege.
More on the forts dimensions and rendering here which would be a good place to start if you wanted to make a model.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Wayne's Legion Cavalry

A decisive factor in the success of the Legion of the US was its use of light cavalry.

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...