Sunday, 30 September 2012

Bivouac F&I style

My old pal 'Doc' Coffin's posted some pics of the camp at a UK F&I event here. Here's his set up. Oh and he does Canadian Militia (milice).

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Seven Years War uniform pics

On Gallica here. Found on the Torgau Project blog. They are of the European theatre but you may want to check them out as excellent period detail. Deutsche Reichs-Armee nebst einigen verbündeten oesterreichischen und französischen Truppen, 1757, 1759, 1762. French, Reichsarmee and Austrian troops. Some interesting camp followers at the end of the stream.

British officer c1750

thanks Thomsomfeld. From Anne S K Brown.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Wyoming Massacre

Here's the almost finished commission by master painter Don Troiani - here's his Facebook page.
This painting has turned out to be my favourite DT artwork - there's so much going on it's both glorious and terrifying. Note the man hiding in the bushes - it was for a descendant of this fellow that this was painted. Interesting. Wiki on the Battle of Wyoming here

Muskets and Tomahawks with John Jenkins figures

Interesting write up of a skirmish using JJ figures here

17th Light Dragoons

Thanks to Thomsomfeld.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Some images of Redcoats 1775

Today in 1777 British troops occupied Philadelphia so celebrate with these images.
Thanks to Thomsomfeld.

Fort Loudoun: Forsaken By God and Man

Facebook page here. More photos of the filming at this southern fort of the area of the Cherokees.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Wyoming massacre

Don Troiani on his Facebook page is showing the assembly of  a painting of the massacre during the Revwar for one of the survivors' descendants. See part 1 here
Part 2 here 
Part 3 here

Indian camp fire

Image from here where there are more early Indian images.
The artist is White, John, fl. 1585-93, artist, cartographer, and Virginia pioneer, b. probably in England. In 1585 he was commissioned to go with the expedition to Roanoke Island to depict life in the New World. His paintings provide some of the earliest and most valuable source materials on the natural history of the North American continent. It is believed, though by no means proved, that he is the same John White whom Sir Walter Raleigh appointed governor of the second Roanoke colony in 1587.

Tuscarora war of 1711

We must have missed the 300th anniversary last year but this war (wiki) between colonists and natives in the south started today. Images from an article here
Article here

Friday, 21 September 2012

Today in History from Fort Ti

At Fort Carillon September 21, 1756
"It has been exceedingly hot for several days. It is [94 degrees] at Carillon today. . .All this country is full of rattlesnakes; they do not do any harm unless one walks on them or on branches which touch them.
I have had a count made these last few days. We are in all 5,300 men at Carillon and the advanced posts."
Journal of Louis Antoine de Bougainville

60th Foot Grenadiers

Another contender for the early use of bearskins is this American theatre unit. Not sure what the evidence is for them wearing them - maybe you know it?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

5th Foot bearskins

 Ray mentioned this regiment wearing captured French grenadier caps - anyone know more about this? This is the caption from the Northumberland Fusiliers page

Alix Bakers Private, 5th Regiment of Foot wearing captured French grenadier cap, Wilhemstahl 1762:

An Officer of the Grenadier Company, 63rd Regiment of Foot, 1775 (c).

Source and description here

Hale of the 47th

 From the Lancashire Infantry Museum's webpage
Captain John Hale, 47th Foot, in undress uniform. Hale joined the Regiment aged 14, fought in Scotland, won distinction at Beausejour, and, as Lieutenant Colonel, commanded the 47th in the Louisbourg and Quebec campaigns. At the dying request of Wolfe, Hale was honoured by being sent home with the victory despatches. He was then commissioned to raise the 17th Light Dragoons, whose white uniform facings and death’s head badge referred to the 47th and to his friend Wolfe’s death at Quebec

Grenadier 40th Foot 1759

By Don Troiani - buy a print here

A Soldier's Account of the Campaign on Quebec, 1759

Written by the Sergeant Major of the 40th Regiment’s Grenadiers (part of the Louisbourg Grenadiers). Read it here
Image and description here

Monday, 17 September 2012

Officer and drummer 30th foot 1755

This apparently was the first British regiment to adopt bearskins - black for grens and white for drummers. Anyone know anything about this? Thanks to Thomsomfeld.

Siege of Fort St Jean 1775

This siege - part of the invasion of Canada started today. Wiki here

Sunday, 16 September 2012


A View of Ticonderoga from a Point on the North Shore of Lake Champlain / Le siège de Ticonderoga depuis la rive nord du lac Champlain
1777  -  Watercolour and pen and ink over pencil on laid paper
Inscription: in brown watercolour, recto b.: A View of TICONDEROGA from a Point on the North Shore of Lake Champlain.; l.r.: James Hunter. 1777.From here

More Joe Lee

This time from the Courier. Joe Lee was pretty prolific in the 90s doing a lot of work for Heritage Books and the Forces of Montcalm and Wolfe. I certainly like his style. Thanks Thomsomfeld.

Bagley's Grenadiers

One a sergeant. Massachussetts Provincials (SYW) by Joe Lee.

9th dragoons

Soldiers of the Light Troop of the 9th Dragoons outside a tavern, an encampment beyond signed and dated JSC Schaak 1762. Thanks Thomsomfeld

Virginia Regiment 1765

thanks again to Thomsomfeld.

Royal Welch Fusilier

thanks Thomsomfeld.

Battle of Harlem Heights 1776

This battle was fought today - read about it here

Friday, 14 September 2012

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...