Thursday, 29 November 2012

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Ken Smith Historical Art

See more on the subject The Redcoat in Tennessee - A five-part series commemorating the rise and fall of the first British settlement in Tennessee
the caption to this image reads

October 27, 1759. Captain John Stuart and approximately seventy men of the South Carolina Provincial Regiment (known as the Buffs, because of their uniforms’ facings of buff-colored cloth) arrive at Fort Loudoun to shore up the beleaguered garrison and
deliver much-needed supplies of meat, flour, salt, ammunition, and clothing. Stuart’s arrival seemed to herald a new hope for peace, but the situation proved to have deteriorated to a point of no return.

Depicted: The South Carolina Provincial Regiment (the Buffs) shadowed by Cherokee warriors on their approach to Fort Loudoun

The Norfolk Discipline, 1759


Composed for the USE of the
  C O U N T Y of N O R F 0 L K - online here - posture pics around page 50

French bearskin

From the SYW period.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012



A list for those interested in re-enacting the French and Indian war as authentically as possible. Discussion revolves around research, authentic units, events, and advancing the quality of our impression.Go here

Monday, 26 November 2012

British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years war

From the Osprey by T Todish

Uniforms of the American Revolution

 Specifically about the Minutemen and Militia of the early years - so not really about uniforms at all but the everyday dress of the early Patriots - go here for a good primer on the subject. From the Progetto Redcoats and Rebels.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Minden 2014

Facebook page for the next reenactment of this battle in Germany. I know it's a long way off but how about some US involvement? Be good event to work towards? Anyhoo check out the page and think about it.

Redcoat 1740s

John Lambton's 68th Foot

Image from a recent album from their Facebook page.  Northern UK based group recreating the Seven Years War era. Photo Mrs Anne Yuill. Website

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Documents of the French and Indian war

Will Raffle from New France and Old England (UK's FI war society) has made a new website. If you have an interest in the F&I then hotfoot it over and see what's there. Recommended.

Battle of Wildcat Creek 1812

It's the two hundredth anniversary of this battle between Indians and Rangers. Wiki

Monday, 19 November 2012

Malá bílá vrána - Memento Mori (Official Music Video 2012)

A music video featuring Martin Psenika's group His Majesty's Independent Company of Foot based in the Czech republic. It's an interesting study on the life of a redcoat soldier in the SYW period and I hope you enjoy it.

From the 40th Foot's Facebook page

 From here
"Myself on picquet in a tempest disdaining a cloak" - a watercolor attributed to Lt. Richard St. George Mansergh St. George of the 52nd foot's LI company during the Philadelphia campaign.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Fort St. Frédéric

Model of what the Fort was like. Impressive. A veritable chateau it must have dominated the Lac St Sacrement area. Read about the commanders here where the pic is from. Wiki

Capture of Fort Washington

Happened today. See a Don Troiani painting of the event here. Wiki here

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Gary Zaboly Battle of Bloody Run 1763

This atmospheric image was on the 55th's Facebook page. It serves as a timely reminder that next year will be the 250th anniversary of the Pontiac campaign.Wiki on Bloody Run

Saturday, 10 November 2012

28mm Blockhouse

Galloping Major have started stocking this tidy looking blockhouse and are doing a deal with their Provincials. Read about it here

Friday, 9 November 2012

More photos from Italy

This is what a decent sized unit looks like
Photos from Lucca by
Alessia Maria Simona Giorda

Battle of Fishdam Ford

This battle in 1780 took place today,

Progetto Redcoats and Rebels

Over in Italy they are thinking of the future now with the Revwar project that saw 90 hatmen redcoats take the field with a minimum of officers/ncos and excellent Patriot militia c 1775. They have launched a Facebook page for those interested in carrying on with the project.See a video playlist with all the action from this weekend's Bunker Hill spectacular here

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Winter approaches

Martin Psenicka found this image of a redcoat at Nova Scotia in 1747 by Rob Chapman - see more of his 18thc studies here.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Lucca Redcoats

Quite a stirring sight.

Rievocazione della battaglia di Bunker Hill a Lucca Comics & Games 2012

Footage from yesterday's event in Italy. I think they have done a great job - it's a fine body of Redcoats they assembled pretty much from scratch...let's hope they continue doing the period. Still images here

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Assassin's Creed III continued

My daughter contacted me today to tell me she's bought me this as my Christmas present in this edition so I will be able to give you a review soon as she's letting me have it early. It's good having kids!

Friday, 2 November 2012

Bunker Hill and Assassin's Creed III

This weekend sees the reenactment event to publicize the launch of Assassins Creed III in Italy. The game is bound to raise the profile of the Revwar period amongst the youth. Good luck for this weekend guys.

From the wiki The main portion of Assassin's Creed III is set before, during and after the American Revolution from 1753 to 1783,[10] featuring a new protagonist: half-English and half-Native American, Connor Kenway, birth name Ratonhnhaké:ton (pronounced "Ra-doon-ha-gay-doon").[11]

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...