Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Régiment de Bourgogne

Served as part of the garrison at Louisbourg.Read about them at Project SYW.
It seems like its uniform lacked a collar. Any thoughts? This unit took part in Thurot's attack on Ireland - French article on it here

Morgan's Rifle Company: Deerlick Scout

Over at the Jack of All Trades blog for more images and history refs for this snowbound scout.

Monday, 28 January 2013

Meanwhile in the West Indies

1780 painting by Agostino Brunias that is titled “A Linen Market with a Linen-stall and Vegetable Seller in the West Indies''.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Ticonderoga: A Radio Dramatization

'An exciting adventure series set during the French and Indian War. Ticonderoga tells the story of Captain William Taylor and his Mohawk scout Degadawidah who are charged to escort Captain Carlton Campbell of the 42nd Highlanders through the dangerous lands of the Huron to Fort Edward, where the British are making plans to march on the French held Ticonderoga. On the journey they meet young orphan Adam Cobbs who receives a baptism by fire in the harsh and bloody wilderness of New York State. With drums beating and bagpipes wailing, Ticonderoga is a musket blasting adventure on the epic scale that The Colonial Radio Theatre has become known for.'
 Buy it here 
or here at Amazon
Wiki on the series

Battle of Ayubale

Obscure battle in Spanish Florida fought today in 1703. Wiki

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Pic by Christian Evo

Thanks to Martin Psenicka for finding this pic of (I think) Czech reenactors recreating the SYW.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

FIW Highlanders

North Star on their Facebok page have previewed this new starter army - Highlanders. 28mm natch.

HM 17th Regiment of foot 1775-1784

Summer fatigue uniform - early war, From the Facebook page of this relatively new group from around the Leicester UK area. Thanks again to Steve Stanley.

Sandby Redcoats

Gregory Unwin found this brilliant image of redcoats from the 1760s.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Redcoats in winter

From Gerry Embleton's'Wolfe's army' showing Brits in French coat and Canadian capote  

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Preparing the traine for this weekend's Snowshoe event

From the Old Fort Niagara Facebook page is this lovely image and accompanying text
10am-4pm. The event will continue regardless of whether we have snow, but hopefully we get at least a little! Check our out website under events for a complete description and schedule. Hope to see you there!
News item about the event

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Fort Ti's Canadian clothing

On their Facebook page Fort Ti has been preparing for their Battle on Snowshoes event (Feb 23rd)
''The average Canadian hardly wears French clothing, but one species of, “capots” crossed in front with lapels. The buttons and collars are of another color. A sash around the capot: simple and impractical clothing."
Jean-Baptiste d'Aleyrac

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

La Compagnie de La Vérendrye

 From their Facebook page is this great image of Compagnies franches de le Marine in winter gear. Fort Rouge 275th page

Le lancement du 275e anniversaire du Fort Rouge le 31 décembre 2012 à La Fourche / Launching the 275th anniversary of Fort Rouge on Dec. 31st, 2012 at The Forks.
The launch of the 275th anniversary of the Red Fort on December 31, 2012 at the forks / Launching the 275th anniversary of Red Fort on Dec. 31 st, 2012 at The Forks.

Battle of Cooch's Bridge Sept 3, 1777

Here in miniature at the Fife and Drum miniatures blog
Read about the award the figures have received here

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Winter clothing 1776

Redcoat in Canadian winter clothing (blanket capot) from the Von Germann drawings.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Loxleys and the War of 1812

 This looks interesting - about time the War of 1812 made an impact - I shall have to track down a copy of this...

Review here of recent graphic novel set in 1812.

by Alan Grant and Jean-Claude St. Aubin (2012)

  THE LOXLEY’S AND THE WAR OF 1812, a 176-page full-color paperback,  on sale in stores June, 2012 for $19.99 and is available to order in the April 2012 edition of Diamond Previews (APR121209, ISBN: 978-1-908217-04-1). Retailers receive one FREE copy for every 3 ordered. For more information, please visit and

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Willard's Leap ~ Bold Wolfe

The bumph reads
The death of General Wolfe on the plains of Abraham during the taking of Quebec provided the ballad-mongers with a great subject which they seized gladly. This text contains the curious idea that Wolfe and the French general Montcalm walked together chatting like brothers before retiring to their own lines to let battle commence. This song (not to be confused with Bold General Wolfe) has not been found in England, but in America, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, from where this version comes. (Martin Carthy) With Acknowledgement :
 Come all ye young men all let this delight you 
Come all ye young men all let nothing fright you 
Never let your courage fail when you're brought to trial 
Nor let your fancy move at the first denial 
This brave undaunted youth has crossed the ocean 
To free America was his intention He landed at Quebec with all his party 
The city to attack being brave and hearty Bold Wolfe drew up his men in a line so pretty 
On the Plains of Abraham before the city 
The French came marching down in hopes to meet them 
With a double number round resolved to beat them 
Montcalm and this brave youth together walked 
Between two armies they like brothers talked 
Till each one to his post then did retire 
Twas then these numerous hosts commenced their fire 
 The drums did loudly beat and the colours flying 
The purple dawn did stream and men lay dying 
And shot from off his horse fell that brave hero We'll long lament his loss in tears of sorrow 
He lifted up his head when the guns did rattle 
And to his aide said, How goes the battle?
Quebec is all our own none can prevent it 
Oh then, replies bold Wolfe, I die contented

Canadians in winter gear late 17thc

Nice to see more people wearing Tapabords at reenactments and not just for the 1690s.

La Corne St. Luc : the "General of the Indians" by Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw), 1857-1954

 I thought we could have this again. Interesting man. Wiki