3rd to the 4th August. Facebook page here
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Bloody Run 1763
This battle from Pontiac's War - a native victory - is celebrating its 250th anniversary today. Wiki here.
Image Gary Zaboly
Image Gary Zaboly
Monday, 29 July 2013
New armed settlers from Galloping Major
Hi Ralph,
Here are the sculpts of the last 3 figures out of 6 for the Settlers
Defending Command & Characters pack: first a dashing young fellow
hastily armed with sword and pistol; then the Preacher/Parson - the
original rough concept sketch I made showed him with pince-nez specs,
but while sculpting the face, I decided the figure really didn't need
them as he worked very well without them for the sort of character I
wanted, so I left them off; the last figure I think of as my Innkeeper,
but wearing his tradesman's apron with the 'bib' buttoned to his
waistcoat in classic 18th century style, he could easily be a merchant
or craftsman of any sort.
There have been lots of comments expecting to use these characters for
all sorts of other eighteenth century scenarios.
The pack will be available soon. More pictures on the Studio page of
the website.
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
War of 1812 in the UK
This weekend just gone saw a reenactment on a very public stage (English Heritage's History Live) of a War of 1812 battle here in the UK. Many people got involved and created a persona just for this event. Here's a slideshow of the battle and lead up.Well done to all those who were involved.
Monday, 22 July 2013
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
His Majesty's Independent Companies of Rangers
Fort Ti image in preparation for the weekends battle.
Sulgrave 2013
If you are interested in what SYW events are like in the UK have a look at the recent images from Sulgrave Manor in Oxfordshire from New France Old England.. The place is the ancestral home for the Washington family so a theme of the Jumonville incident was reenacted.
French Revolutionary wars
Flanders Campaign 1793-1795
This Facebook page has some interesting images and is a place for liking the periodTuesday, 16 July 2013
Sunday, 14 July 2013
Fort Ti's Montcalm event
Next weekend - July 20-21 is Fort Ticonderoga's big French and Indian war battle. Wish I could go. Details here
Friday, 12 July 2013
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
New diorama from Thomsomfeld
Go here to see photos of this Revwar diorama featuring the 17th Light Dragoons. Also see here
Some here
Some here
Rewar Muskets and Tomahawks
I have been on the look out for someone doing this - and here at Kev's wargames cabin are the figures for so doing - looks good
Hessian shoes
These were recently made by the highly talented English shoemaker Sarah Juniper. Her website is here.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Sunday, 7 July 2013
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Monday, 1 July 2013
Under the Redcoat photos
These are on FB so I don't know if you'll be bale to see them but these are pics from the weekends event at Williamsburg.
Lego Fort Ticonderoga
At the risk of trivialising the subject go here to see photos of an award-winning creation using those famous bricks
New France Old England at Sulgrave
Reading the FB chat and looking at the photos indicates that NFOE had a successful and enjoyable event at Sulgrave Manor in the Oxfordshire sun. This photo is by Xander Green.
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La Corne St. Luc : the "General of the Indians" by Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw), 1857-1954
I thought we could have this again. Interesting man. Wiki

This is the first stage of an excellent project. This is the corner tower of a recreation of the fort in the movie Drums Along the Mohawk...
It's not easy photographing smaller figures but Richard has done an excellent job. These miniatures are excellent. He says 'The...
We've got an early Christmas present for everyone this weekend, with another batch of fantastic Clib sculpts for our American War of I...