Monday, 24 August 2015

Tyntesfield Revolution weekend Sat 29 - Mon 31 Aug

Here for details of this west country event

Compagnies franches de la Marine 1696

Les Mousquets du roi ont participé à un événement qui rappelle notamment l'attaque des troupes de d'Iberville sur le fort de Pemaquid (Maine) en 1696.
Photo: Ken Hamilton

Pierre Lemoyne D'Iberville - Émission ~1967-1968

'''Iberville est une série télévisée québécoise en 39 épisodes en couleurs diffusée entre le 11 octobre 1967 et le 10 juillet 1968 sur la Télévision de Radio-Canada, en collaboration avec l'Office de radiodiffusion télévision française, Radiodiffusion-Télévision Belge, et la Société Suisse de Radiodiffusion - wiki
Wiki on d'iberville here

Thursday, 20 August 2015

German film - Battle of Tippecanoe 1811

rgw description on the Youtube page says Some pretty bizarre stuff to say the least. Sourced from a 1972 German flick - Tecumseh. W.H. Harrison destroys an indian force that unwisely challenges him.
In reality, Harrison had a largely militia force of 700, 90 cavalry and 250 regulars to against the 700 indians. The Detroit frontier battles looked hardly anything like the set piece Napoleonic battle you see here. 

Also see here

La Corne Saint-Luc

Biography here. 
A fascinating man who fought at Fort William Henry and Saratoga he is mostly famous for his trek after his ship was wrecked on his return to France. 

La Compagnie de Lacorne recrutera au Fort Chambly

Battle of Fallen Timbers 1794

today is the anniversary of this battle - here's a clip from the movie Tecumseh.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Sutler Booth by Francis Vivares 1739 (The British Museum)

From here where there are more sutler pics

250th Anniversary Commemoration of the Black Boys Rebellion

@ Fort Loudoun, PA
September 25-27, 2015
Learn about the 1765 Colonial Rebellion in the back country of Pennsylvania
42nd Regiment of Foot, aka. "The Black Watch"
James Smith, William Smith, The Black Boys, and Conococheague Settlers

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Seven Years War

Das bettelnde Soldatenweib, Kupferstich von Daniel Chodowiecki, 1764

SYW camp follower 
Here, a soldier's wife dressed in her fallen husband's uniform jacket and hat, begs for alms while holding her newborn. Etching by Daniel Chodowiecki

Camp-followers of the British Army

This is a good Facebook group for those interested in Camp-followers. For example for the image below of the Brunswick camp-follower they found this quote
" Last thursday, which was a very stormy day, a large number of British Troops came softly thro the Town via Watertown to Prospect hill, on Friday we heard the Hessians were to make a Procession in the same rout; we thot we should have nothing to do with them, but View them as they Passt. To be sure, the sight was truly astonishing, I never had the least Idea that the Creation produced such a sordid set of creatures in human Figure—poor, dirty, emaciated men, great numbers of women, who seemd to be the beasts of burthen, having a bushel basket on their back, by which they were bent double, the contents seemd to be Pots & kettles, various sorts of Furniture, children peeping thro the gridirons & other utensils, Some very young Infants who were born on the road; the women with bare feet, cloathd in dirty raggs such Effluvia filld the air while they were passing, had they not been smoaking all the time, I should have been apprehensive of being contaminated by them."

Hessian Camp-follower and child

Photoshoot: Camp Followers with the British Army, 1777

Monday, 17 August 2015

French and Indian

From here. Oconstota's (Cherokee) French Commission as "Captain grand chef medaille de la ford"
Presented to Him by the French Governor of Louisiana, Louis de Kerlerec in 1761
U.S. National Archives

Friday, 14 August 2015

Black Robe ~ 1991 full movie

This is a more recent full movie - set in the Champlain era - it's a must if you haven't seen it

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Redcoats at Fulda

There was a contingent of Brits at the event in Germany made up of members of the 13th and 68th mainly and they seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Why don't you consider going next year? Image from here

Quebec 1759-2015

Photos from an excellent reenactment
Josefov - Québec 1759-2015
in the Czech Republic of the French and Indian wars.

Monday, 10 August 2015


Another oldie but goodie that has the Full movie treatment is this Cecil B DeMille 'Eastern' set in the Pontiac outbreak.

Fulda photos

Here to see the action at Germany's biggest 18thc event.More photos here
Video here

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Drums Along the Mohawk's 'Caldwell'

As Jubilo pointed out one of the great characters in the film (still haven't read the book) is the eye-patched Tory who leads the Indians to attack the Patriots.

Battle of Oriskany

Fought today in 1777. Wiki here

From HaT soon New British 1/72 sculpts