Saturday, 31 October 2015

THE ROYAL AMERICAN REGIMENT: An Atlantic Microcosm, 1755-1772

THE ROYAL AMERICAN REGIMENT: An Atlantic Microcosm, 1755-1772, Alexander V. Campbell, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2010, 356 pages, $34.95.
Alexander V. Campbell has taken his Ph.D. dissertation on the British 60th, or Royal American, Regiment of Foot, and converted it into a readable and intriguing account of this polyglot unit, which contributed in a number of ways to the French and Indian War, and the development of a true Atlantic community in the pre- American Revolution period.
Unlike the classical regimental history, which recounts only campaigns and battles, The Royal American Regiment: An Atlantic Microcosm, 1755-1772, demonstrates how the Royal American Regiment, its officers and men, impacted the wider economic, social, and political fabric of the British North American Empire from 1755 to 1772. Campbell researched private papers and family archives of many of the Regiment's officers and interweaves these sources into a stylistically readable tale.
Although not explicitly noted in the book, the actions and activities of the Royal American Regiment show the remarkable infl uence of Swiss foreign officers employed by the British Crown on the development of North American history. While James Prevost, Frederick Haldimand, and Henry Bouquet are the most known, a host of Swiss subalterns also rises out of the pages. …

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

French military scenes with camp-followers

 Jean-Baptiste Pater - Soldiers and Camp Followers Resting from a March
Jean-Baptiste Pater - Encampment (Soldiers' Halt)
 Jean-Baptiste Joseph Pater (Valenciennes, 1695-Paris, 1736),
Troupes en marche
, c.1725

British army women of the Seven Years War

During the Seven Years’ War, many soldiers’ wives and
female camp followers contributed to the British war effort in
numerous ways and did so in the face of great oppression. Using
the themes of labour, conditions and dangers, sexual and domestic
life, illicit activities, and discipline and punishment,

Monday, 19 October 2015

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Strelets-R Tecumseh 1/72

This set has started appearing in shops apparently - more photos here

Beyond Pontiac's Shadow

Michilimackinac and the Anglo-Indian War of 1763
On June 2, 1763, the Ojibwe captured Michigan’s Fort Michilimackinac from the British. Ojibwe warriors from villages on Mackinac Island and along the Cheboygan River had surprised the unsuspecting garrison while playing a game of baggatiway. On the heels of the capture, Odawa from nearby L’Arbre Croche arrived to rescue British prisoners, setting into motion a complicated series of negotiations among Ojibwe, Odawa, and Menominee and other Indians from Wisconsin. Because nearly all Native people in the Michilimackinac borderland had allied themselves with the British before the attack, they refused to join the Michilimackinac Ojibwe in their effort to oust the British from the upper country; the turmoil effectively halted the fur trade. Beyond Pontiac’s Shadow examines the circumstances leading up to the attack and the course of events in the aftermath that resulted in the regarrisoning of the fort and the restoration of the fur trade. At the heart of this discussion is an analysis of French-Canadian and Indian communities at the Straits of Mackinac and throughout the pays d’en haut. An accessible guide to this important period in Michigan, American, and Canadian history, Beyond Pontiac’s Shadow sheds invaluable light on a political and cultural crisis.

360 pages| 11 in x 11 in

Saturday, 10 October 2015

An American Grenadier -

Portrait by Henry Benbridge (1743–1812) of Charles Cotesworth Pinckney in the uniform of the Grenadier Company, 1st South Carolina Regiment, 1773
(Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery)

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Monday, 5 October 2015

Battle of the Thames 1813

Anniversary today of the battle that saw the defeat and death of Tecumseh. Wiki here
Watch the video of the 200th cclebrations in 2013

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...