Friday, 20 January 2017

1757 Battle on Snowshoes Battle Re-enactment

More here

January 21, 2017

Join Fort Ticonderoga as we recreate the epic 1757 Battle on Snowshoes on the anniversary of the event. This lesser known, but no less dramatic, Battle on Snowshoes brings to life the fierce clash in the woods between French soldiers and Rogers Rangers as the roar of muskets highlight Ranger warfare and the struggle for North America. Discover the peoples, weapons, and stories through living history vignettes, exhibitions and hands-on programs. March out with French soldiers and their allies before they spring upon Rogers’ Rangers.
Highlighted programming featured throughout the day brings to life both the British Ranger story and French history at Fort Carillon, later named Ticonderoga. Discover the fight for survival as the Rangers struggle to escape back to Fort Edward, behind British lines. See how French soldiers and officers lived in their quarters inside the fort barracks and watch as soldiers work together to keep each other in fighting shape. In addition to the living history program, step inside exhibition spaces and discover the incredible French artifacts on display in the museum.
On January 21st, 1757 detachment of French soldiers with horse drawn sleds left Fort Carillon to pick up supplies, not knowing Rogers’ Ranger lay in wait on the trail to Crown Point to the north. Ambushed, some French soldiers escaped to warn the fort and they set their own ambush for Rogers and his men marching home.

This weekend

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Blue Moon 15mm French and Indian war

I quite liked Frekotps 15s line for the F&I but these actually look better, Get them from Old Glory,

Friday, 6 January 2017

Revwar Winter event in Poland

An event by Revolutionary reenactors in Poland to commemorate Princeton 1777. The enthusiasm and attention to detail are superb. Join them on Facebook here

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Hessian Jaeger shower curtain

Revwar reenactor Tom has been immortalised on a shower curtain. I'm jealous! 

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Groupe Lafayette

This is France's premier Revwar Patriot unit. Not sure if I have written about them before. Here's their Facebook page. If you don't do FB see more here
   Anyway they announced on my Seven Years War Living History FB group that they are opening a new additional impression - namely British Seven Years War.  So that is interesting indeed, adding to the spread of Redcoat units.  More information when it becomes available.
 Theyre very modest and say We are a young French group passionate about history ... we are aware that we still have a lot to learn but we are working on it. That's why I ask you to be indulgent with us! ......

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...