Monday, 30 October 2017

Lake George tactical 1999

Our band of French. I quickly abandoned the full uniform and wore tuque and capote . I am the right.
Me getting my commission at Carillon.
In 1999 I took part in the Lake George tactical which takes place in October every year . it consists canoeing and wargaming against a force you don't know where or how many as they had their own start place. We lived on lake water and what little food we could take in our canoes. Lasts about a week. One day the lake was stormy so we couldn't leave our island base. Good times.

Friday, 27 October 2017

French and Indian war in 54mm by Robert Kirchner

British and Pennsylvania provincials move out from Carlisle And head west on Forbes road. I love this scale. Inspiring photos

French and Indian war Pennsylvania provincials. Marx and Accurate figures.
Pa Augusta Regiment Weiser 1st Battalion Pennsylvania Regiment (Busse's Company)

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Pulp Figures Flint and Feather

This is a Kickstarter for the Huron/Iroquois war. 28mm. Check it out here

Battle of Quebec

The Battle of Quebec: Free Scenario to learn All out War

Do you want a quick way to learn how to play? The Battle of Quebec is a simple demonstration scenario that fits in only eight pages. No need to read an entire rulebook or have previous experience playing wargames. Everything you need to know is written in this scenario. Download the eight-page PDF file, available here, along with the unit cards, and start playing.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Francis Back - gone but not forgotten

Back in the 1990s on the French reenactment scene we so loved his pictures. You felt they were something you could rely on for being well researched. From Louis XIV to the French revolution if you wanted a truthful illustration of the French forces it would be Francis Back where you'd go. Most of what reenactors know about capotes (pictured) is from Francis Back's research. He will be missed but remembered.

Francis Back 1959-2017

Sad to hear of the passing of Canadian illustrator Francis Back who's work in the field of historical art was second to none.

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...