Saturday, 20 August 2022

Le Lys sous L'erable

 This French group are excellent. Here is their Facebook page. They recently did an event at Saint-Malo in a fort that is accessible on foot only at low tide. More on their page. 

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Thursday, 4 August 2022

Naked In The Sun (1957)

  An unfortunate title but the excellent Florida Seminole History page recommend it.

During the 1830s white settlers are moving into what is now Florida. An unscrupulous slave trader captures the wife of Indian Chief Osceola, setting off a war between the Seminole tribe and the U.S Army.

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...