Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Indian raiders

 Indian tactics while raiding from Gavin K. Watts The Burning of the Valleys

 "All of the men carried the axe and knife. In the van were warriors called “runners” who were armed with spontoons. Their task was to pursue and kill anyone who broke and ran. Most of the main body were armed with firelocks and these warriors were called “gunners”; these second wave men would scalp any of the victims who had been bypassed, gather in and guard the captives, destroy or take the livestock, plunder and destroy the buildings. Such a dense mass of men would have been an ideal target for any disciplined form of resistance, but there was none, either expected or encountered. The Indians understood that speed would give them surprise, which in turn would ensure the taking of captives. Surprise also prevented the hiding of family treasures, so the plunder would be of the best quality. Also, there was no time to release the livestock into the woods, so it was easily destroyed or collected and driven to the rear as victuals."

 "The captive Steele wrote how one man described his warning of the Indians’ approach. Before he could see the advancing mass, there was a noise of sheep or cattle running at full speed through water. This fluid-like sound of their running must refer to the dull jangling of the small metal cones with which the Indians decorated the outside edges of their garments. When moving stealthily, even the smallest sound from the cones warned the wearer that he might be heard. When moving at speed, the cones struck together making this distinctive, water-like rushing noise. Contrary to what one might expect, there was great discipline in this attack and the advancing band “kept a profound silence” as they ran forward. Prisoners who were taken were warned to keep utterly silent on pain of death. The terrifying war halloo and the triumphant scalp call were held until a predetermined signal."

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Newtown 1779

Today's anniversary. Major battle of the Sullivan-Clinton expedition. Defeat for the Iroquois and Butler's Rangers. Wiki

Orders of battle

200-250 Butler's Rangers
300-350 SenecaCayugaMohawk, and Munsee Delaware
14 British regulars (8th Regiment of Foot)


3,200 Continental regulars
2 companies of militia
9 artillery pieces

Saturday, 26 August 2023

Thursday, 24 August 2023

New Iroquois for Muskets and Tomahawks

Available to buy from this weekend. A new pack of 6 Braves plus a new Sachem, based on Joseph Brandt.

#northstarfigs #musketsandtomahawks #wargames #wargaming #studiotomahawks

Lochry's Defeat 1781


Today's anniversary is this battle between Militia and indians. Wiki here

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Jäger-Corps von Creuzbourg

By Don Troiani

Wiki Here. This body of Jägers from Hesse-Hanau were involved in the New York theatre. Be nice to see a group of Jägers in the U. K. for the 250th. 

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Fort Stanwix

 Fort Stanwix as it appeared August 6, 1777, as interpreted by the artist, Peter Hugunine, in 1897. The original oil painting has not been located. Source: From an engraving owned by the Fort Stanwix Museum, Rome, New York. From here

where are more Fort plans etc.

George Winter

 Encampment of Potawatomi at Crooked Creek Indiana. Article on the artist here. His Wiki is here. More of his paintings here

Black Hawk and His son Whirling Thunder Painting by John Wesley Jarvis


Old Fort Schuyler


Raiders of the Mohawk Group on Facebook

Amusing anecdote from G. K. Watts The Burning of the Valleys.

At about dusk, the force stopped at the house of Angus McDiarmid on the Paisley road. Some of Munro’s force assembled inside, the natives amongst them being delighted by Mrs. McDiarmid’s spinning wheel. Word of the marvel passed amongst the Indians and soon the house became so full of people taking turns spinning the wheel that the floor collapsed dumping everyone into the cellar.168 All of the raiders escaped without harm, but the McDiarmid’s had great cause to regret their hospitality.

Saturday, 19 August 2023

Blue Licks 1782


Today's anniversary. Blue Licks. A battle that has Daniel Boone, Simon Girty and Indians. The last significant battle of the Revolution. 

See  a short film about it here

Divided Loyalties film (1990)

 I watched this yesterday. It's O.K. Not brilliant but worth watching if you have an interest in the subject matter. 


Divided Loyalties is a Canadian historical drama television film, directed by Mario Azzopardi and broadcast by CTV in 1990.[1] The film stars Jack Langedijk as Mohawk leader Joseph Brant, portraying his "divided loyalties" between British and American allies during the American Revolutionary War, and Tantoo Cardinal as his sister Molly Brant.[2]

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Raiders of the Mohawk

 I would really like to read this Canadian children's book from 1960. Anybody got it? Any chance you might copy it?

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

“A View of Ticonderoga from a Point on the North Shore of Lake Champlain,” 1777 Artist: James Hunter King George III Topographical Collection, British Library Detail

 Any ideas who the redcoats are? Someone on my Late 18th century warfare group thought they might be Company of Select Marksmen. Anyhoo the Company had a detachment at Bennington.

1776 or the Hessian Renegades (1909)

 Film here

The Hessian Renegades is a 1909 American silent war film directed by D. W. Griffith. It is set during the American Revolution.[1]

The Hessian Renegades
Directed byD. W. Griffith
Written byD. W. Griffith
Frank E. Woods
StarringOwen Moore
CinematographyG. W. Bitzer
Arthur Marvin
Distributed byBiograph Company
Release date
  • September 6, 1909
Running time
10 minutes
CountryUnited States
English intertitles


A young soldier during the American Revolution has the mission to carry a crucial message to General Washington but he is spotted by a group of enemy soldiers called Hessians. He finds refuge with a family, but his enemies soon discover him. After that, the family and neighbors must plan a way to send the important message.

Bennington 1777


Another anniversary today. This one

Camden 1780

 Today's anniversary is this battle.

Saturday, 12 August 2023

The Broken Chain 1993

 This movie is 30 years old. Presumably made in the wave of Indian movies that happened after Dances with Wolves and Mohicans. Pierce Brosnan as Sir William Johnson Eric Schweig as Joseph Brant. It is not brilliant but it is OK. 

The Iroquois in the American Revolution

 Barbara Graymont. 1972. Have read this it's good. It's expensive to buy though. If you create an account below you can read it I think

 The Trail of the Iroquois Indians: How the Iroquois Nation saved Canada for the British Empire. By G. Elmore Reaman. They have this book in my library system. I have ordered it. Anyone read it? It's from 1967.

Old Fort Johnson

Johnson's home until 1763

Old Fort Johnson in 1753. (Drawn by Col. Guy Johnson.)

Drums Along the Mohawk novel audio version

 I am going to get this. On Amazon. It's unabridged and this way my wife can listen too as I think she will enjoy it. 

Johnson Hall

Built in 1763.  A 1903 painting despicts the presentation in 1772 of medals to the Six Nations Iroquois

 By Edward Lawson Henry


Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...