Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Braddock by Ron Embleton

Another beauty sent in from the good folks at Galloping Major wargames. You've seen it in black and white - now see it in all its colourful glory. It's an interesting to think of what information sources were available to the artist back in the 1950s. Presumably Cecil CP Lawson would be the main reference and probably the Morier paintings but there wouldn't be the amount of documentation and information that we have become accustomed to these days.


  1. Superb picture I always enjoyed Embletons art have books & cards of his roman stuff but i do like this depiction of grenadiers being ambushed

  2. It is a little like the movies that don't quite make it simply because of the lack of attention payed to authenticity. This chap was obviously good at what he did, but for me it is a pity that he could not have done it with authenticity in mind. I gather though that that was not his purpose or intention.
    Good art just the same.
    Le Loup.


War On the Turrle's Back

  this book looks interesting. Out later in the year War the Turtle's Back  examines all the campaigns fought by Woodland Indians of Nor...