Monday, 14 September 2009

Mike Roarke's First Frontier Series

In most British public libraries they have a Western fiction section. Not sure who reads them but they usually have lots of paperbacks with names like 'Gunfight at the Lazy X' or something like that but occasionally you happen across something interesting and that's how I discovered these fictional novels set during the timespan of this blog - so I will list them all so if you have a hankerin' for some good ol' paperback fun you can get them from some online bookseller for next to nothing. I can't say I would recommend them as I've only read one - the second in the series and it was OK but I'm not really a fiction fan so I can't be that critical so don't blame me if you find them rubbish or anything like that. I'm guessing they were popular as they wouldn't have made such a long series but there you go - you pays yer money you take your choice. Anyway this what I can find about them on the web.
Thunder In The East by Mike Roarke
'In the 1750s, the Iroquois Confederation stands astride the Mohawk river - England's only gateway from the Atlantic to the North American continent. Only a few could see that European pressure and disunity were threatening the country, one such was the famed hunter/trader Sam Watley.'
Shadows On The Longhouse (first Frontier 2) by Mike Roarke
'In 1776 the white man's war for independence exploded on the Indians' ancient land. But for trapper Sam Watley and his son, the war is not theirs - until Sam is betrayed by a British colonel. Striking back, they are plunged into a struggle that hurtles all races towards a new future. '
Silent Drums (1763-1765)/Pontiac's Rebellion
Blood River: The War for the Northwest Territory (First frontier series 4)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't consider myself to be a Westerns fan, but these books are excellent. I read the first one and then bought the rest, and will probably re-read them many times in the years to come.


Outlander does 2nd Saratoga

 All the usual cliches.