Haven't been able to find any clips of this film set in the French and Indian war. Imdb here Gallery of photos here. It's a romantic story of a love affair between the French commander's daughter and a British officer. Has Chief Big Tree in it as Pontiac.
Cérémonies et coûtumes religieuses de tous les peuples représésentés par des figures dessinées par Bernard Picart, Jean Frédéric Bernard 1723-1743, Amsterdam
Once a contributor on this blog French native now US resident Chrstine has her own blog - check it out here. Lots to read on maps and history of the region of Vermont.
I am really pleased to find these images on the web. Basically this UK magazine 'Tell Me Why' I used to get as a kid and this strip by Giovannini was inspirational - the picture of a fort made a great impression on the 8 or 9 year old me. Go to this blog to see more - be sure to look at the full image.