Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Frying Pan and Blanket figures

If I was to game Fallen Timbers I guess I would use these American-made figures (20mm). They do Revwar and 1812 (as well as the Northwest Territory war) and from the photos they look like attractive castings. Anyone out there got photos of the Wayne's Legion figures and Indians etc?

Incidentally Parkfield and Old Glory do figures for the 25/28mm scale

1 comment:

  1. There are some pictures on the website you have posted, and a slew more here: http://grenzerjohn.blogspot.ca/2012/11/forward-into-past-that-never-happened.html


From HaT soon

  https://www.hat.com/Curr3/AWI/Bx8343BDP.html New British 1/72 sculpts