Sunday, 5 June 2011

15mm French and Indian war

I have painted a few F&I forces in this scale a few years ago. I used the Freikorps 15 range augmented by some Essex 15s. These days Blue Moon (pictured - here in the UK) have what looks like the tastiest looking ones but I would be interested in hearing what you all use?


  1. I've been painting up lots of FIW figures recently, from Essex, Matchlock and Blue Moon, take a look at my blog for some comparison pics.

  2. thanks Ray. You certainly have made a useful contribution with these comparisons

  3. They do look like nice figures.


  4. I have a lot of painted British and colonial militia. Mostly 15mm Essex and old Valley Forge miniatures. Would like to augment with other figures (F&I). I agree the Blue Moon figures are first rate but they measure more to 18mm industry standard. This is ok if you are starting from scratch, but a guy like me is mainly interested in matching the scale I already own. I like 19 Century Miniatures ("Old Glory 15s"). However, I have yet to find a good manufacturer of Native American figures.. Does anyone have any suggestions (other than Blue Moon)?

  5. I'm looking for mounted Native American troops in 15mm. Anyone know where to take a look at them to see if they fit?


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