Friday, 2 September 2011

Collector's Illustrated Encyclopedia of the American Revolution

By George Neumann and Frank Kravic. This visual feast is worth getting if you are into looking at equipment photos and diagrams. Includes things like camp equipment and weapons with abundancy. Not much text but thats a good thing. Incidentally the book is in black and white.


  1. Looks like an excellent book to have.
    Very nice blog BTW.

  2. Hi, I'm an ethnographer from Hungary. I make researches on traditional Hungarian pocket knives, and I'm really interested in the folding knife on this picture with the blade, awl and the two-pronged fork. We have a very similar type in Hungary! If anyone can give me some additional informations about this book's picture, or about this type of pocket knives I would be really happy!
    Thanks, and regards!


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  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...