Saturday, 18 February 2012

Richard Scollins' Guildford Courthouse

The late Richard Scollins is well known in the UK for his military illustrations - he used to be featured in Military Modelling back in the day and it is from this mag I think this piece is from. He has a realistic style that is interesting - the blog has enlargements and text. Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this piece


  1. I remember this article well-also has a picture of the British artillery firing on its own troops during the battle. Always wanted to do the AWI as a result of this article.

  2. Do you have a scan of that picture? If you have it can you send it to me? Cheers

  3. Article was from a Mil. Mod. Christmas special...

  4. It is nice to see the Rick Scollins GCH images, he was really at the forefront in trying to represent campaign dress. There are unfortunately a number of issues with the interpretations presented but Notwithstanding these points it is nice to see this article more widely available. I really like Rick Scollins' art work and his death was a great loss.

  5. Hi,

    just happened to run into this site. Awesome pictures by Scollins, at last some REALISTIC interpretations of what campaign units looked like. You don´t happen to have the scan of the British Forces also, do you? Thanks in advance!!!!!!!!

  6. Daleitnant
    Just go to the link 'this piece' in Ralph's original comments and it will take you to scans of the article. Sadly the Scollins interpretations of the British are somewhat way of the mark but nonetheless are very atmospheric.

  7. Yes this is from a Military Modelling Special edition back in the day .
    I have the very magazine with these beautiful images which inspired me into The War of Independence


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