Thursday, 1 March 2012

New France's defenders in capotes

These great images are from here - an article on the equipment and clothing of the French marines from the late 17th to mid 18thc. It's in Czech and I am not sure who the artist/author (?Vitous) is but it's worth translating through your favourite program.
Here are some of Google's translation of the captions
Figure 1

Soldier of the French Marines in 1694. Clothing soldier is reconstructed according to historical texts, based on the coureurs des bois clothing. Its off-white twill jacket is lined in blue and lined doubt that same cloth. In this case, we were inspired by the equipment supplied to these units.
Figure 2
The military jacket French marines 1694. Clothing was reconstructed according to historical texts. We were inspired by the image of huronských fighters in Capote, which left a hydrologist and cartographer Jean-Baptiste Franquelin the same time. He added, among other things "tassel" at the bottom of the hood. Ornaments can also be seen in the picture. Copper also has three buttons at the collar by the way fasovaného clothes at the time.


  1. not mine - very good they are though

  2. Edwin says it looks like a czech translation of a person called Vitous of an article published earlier in Tradition Magazine (the uniform magazine published by toy maker Tradition of London) #144. Peter Wagner might be the original writer. IIRC you can buy DVD's of the scanned magazines.

  3. "From Tradition Magazine, chosen by Petr Vágner" so a Czech "editor" here, not the original author, "translated from French by Marta Bednaříková," etc.
    I'm still unsure who wrote the whole thing and where the whole thing came from. It seems to me the part with the pictures is indeed from the magazine, but the preceding rest of the article was compiled by the Czech author from other sources? Maybe.
    And it's now on this URL:
    (I'm Czech. Found your site in some roundabout internet-browsing way while trying to find original depictions of red voyageur caps for a blog post about red historical clothing - not sure if you have any such pictures, I got diverted :D - and, well, I'm Czech, so I got curious here.)


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