Thursday, 28 June 2012

Battle of Sullivan's island

More Spanish

The top two figures are from Santo Domingo - the bottom two Mexico - writen near the picture from right to left on the garrison of Veracruz: "White grenadier, While line inf., Free Mestizo Inf. and Free Black Inf." from this thread

Battle of Monmouth 1778

This Revwar action took place today in 1778. Wiki

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Free Black - Spanish forces

Fort Mose is mostly known to us today as a place of freedom for runaway slaves where they could enjoy liberty under Spanish rule away from the English colonies. Image from this page. 
Free Blacks fought at Fort Mose in 1740 on the Spanish side. Another image of Spanish Black Militia here

Oglethorpe's Regiment

Image taken at a Fort Mose reenactment - image from here, 
I am not sure where this regiment was raised - one source says the Birmingham area another from Gibraltar from conscripts of the Edinburgh Regiment of Foot

Highlanders in Georgia

Interesting side thing with the events of the era of Fort Mose (below) is Oglethorpe encouraging Highlanders from Scotland to settle in Georgia as a way of stiffening the defence - here's an interesting page on the Georgians Highland heritage
Georgias Provincial Companies 1734-47
Oglethorpe's Regiment

Battle of Fort Mose

Image from here. This battle took place today in 1740 - read the wiki 
where it says
A Spanish column of 300 regular troops, free black militia and Indian auxiliaries commanded by Captain Antonio Salgado stormed the strategically crucial position of Fort Mose,[7] occupied by 170 British soldiers under Colonel John Palmer as a part of James Oglethorpe's offensive to capture St. Augustine. Taken by surprise, the British garrison was virtually annihilated.[7]

News item about Fort Mose reenactment

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Quiz on the War of 1812

BBC page .  I didn't fare too well but mostly down to not reading the questions thoroughly enough.

New from Conquest

British grenadiers and Ottawa warriors are due soon from Conquest. See them here. 
Website here

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Tippecanoe 1811

Looking around the web for War of 1812 images I found this one that I liked from last year's Tippecanoe reenactment filmed for a PBS documentary

Friday, 15 June 2012

Seven Years War French soldiers

From this webpage
Detail of a Vernet painting - not sure which one but they are Troupes de Terre - the fleur de lys on the turnbacks give the game away and the lining is not blue. To see Vernet's Marine figures go here

Compagnies franches de la Marine

Hard to be precise about the shade of blue worn by CFDLM but these period paintings might be a bit helpful. NB the top image depicts a Shipboard Marine the bottom figures are also of that type and from the King George's War period.

The Happy Marine

Or so it is known among amateur historians. Purportedly depicting a French Compagnies franches de la Marine in 1755 - not a colony Marine but a shipboard one. I have no idea about where this image comes from - anyone know?

Time Machine

Gerry Embleton's company based in Switzerland make excellent lifelike figures for museums. They have recently updated their website - check it out - there's quite a bit there to please a SYW enthusiast.

Drawings of Lt Gabriel Bray

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Indian warband boxset for Muskets and Tomahawks

From Northstar Military Figures - a first look -  from their Facebook page 
They look good. Figures painted by Dave Woodward. Website here.  
Buy them from here 
The figures will be available from Brigade Games, OMM, and Architeks of War in the USA.
 More photos here. 
Reading through the comments this 28mm range specially designed for use with the game M&T is to include Brits, French and Highlanders and is going to be extensive.

French drummers by Pamela Patrick White

Pleasing image available as notecards here

Monday, 11 June 2012

Revolution Director's Cut

My son's copy of Sight and Sound magazine plopped on the mat today and it heralded some good news. Revolution (1985) is being reappraised and reissued on DVD as a Director's Cut. I have always considered this to be a seriously underrated film and with its new screeening ot the BFI and its new version with a narration by Al Pacino it seems people are at last coming to the idea that this is a flawed masterpiece.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Female settler firing

This lovely image by Harold Jerrell is from the blog of Mad Anne Bailey - much to enjoy there so hop on over - thanks again to Thomsomfeld.


By Guiseppe Rava. Thanks to Thomsomfeld.There is more on this figure and its 3D figure here

Muskets and Tomahawks - first game

Here is a blog report on a skirmish using the new M&T rules. Well worth a look if you are considering taking the plunge. I must admit to liking the look of what I've seen - and you don't need hordes of figures. 

Battle of la Belle Famille 1759

Thomsomfeld found this image of presumably loyal Iroquois before the battle. Wiki on the engagement

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Light Infantry officer of the 73rd Highlanders

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for finding this image. More from here

Battle of Havana 1762

This military action in the Seven Years War started today 250 years ago. Wiki here. 
Images are from the book on the raid by David Greentree called 'A far-flung gamble'. Osrpey says:
Author: David Greentree
About this book
At the height of the Seven Years’ War, Great Britain made an audacious strike at the heart of Spanish colonial power in the Caribbean. Gathering troops from bases in Britain and Canada and sailing across the Atlantic in secrecy was an incredible feat. The raid on Havana took Spanish colonial forces completely by surprise and following vicious fighting, the city defences at El Moro collapsed. Havana, the jewel in the Spanish colonial crown, now belonged to Britain. The success of the raid influenced British military policy for centuries as the true potential of amphibious warfare was realized.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...