Tuesday 31 July 2012

Battle of Bloody Run 1763

This battle was fought in Pontiac's war. Read about it here  and here. See it being wargamed here.
The image is from the old Wolfe's Army Osprey and I don't think it's representative of what Gage's were wearing in 1763 but I like the image and Gage's were there...

Thursday 26 July 2012

Light Infantry Song

 This was posted on the 40th Foot (Bloodhounds) facebook page and I thought I'd better share it.
A tune of the American War of Independence.This song, celebrating the British Army Light Infantry, was printed in Rivington's Royal Gazette, at New York, in 1778. It was said to have been written by an American Loyalist.
For battle prepared in their country's just cause
Their king to avenge and support all his laws,
As fierce as the tiger, as swift as the roe,
The British Light Infantry rush on their foe.
Though rebels unnumbered oppose their career
Their hearts are undaunted; they're strangers to fear;
No obstacles hinder, relentless they go
And death and destruction attend every blow.
The alarm of the drum and the cannon's loud roar,
The musket's quick flash, but inflames them the more.
No dangers dismay, for they fear no control
But glory and conquest inspires every soul.
Whenever their foe stands arranged in their sight
With ardour impatient they pant for the fight
Rout, havoc confusion they spread through the field
And rebellion and treason are forced to yield.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

55th Foot Light Company

There's lot of interest to see on the 55th's Facebook page. Like this quote
"the Soldiers to parade with their packs, Camp keytles, tomahawks, and all their Accoutrements The Officers to see that their Men tie their packs Short, & carrying them on their shoulders thay are to Carry nothing in their hands in order to have free use of their Arms.
- Bouquet Orderly Book. August 9, 1764.

Robert Rogers on Lord Howe:

Fall 1757 - "we were continually employed in patrolling the woods between this fort (Fort Edward) and Ticonderoga. In one of these parties, my Lord Howe did us the honour to accompany us, being fond, as he expressed himself, to learn our method of marching, ambushing, retreating, &c. and, upon our return, expressed his good opinion of us very generously."
April 1758 - "I had a most agreeable interview (with Lord Howe), qnd a long conversation concerning the methods of distressing the enemy, and prosecuting the war with vivour the ensuing campaign."
The Advance on Ticonderoga - "As soon as it was light his Lordship, with Col. Broadstreet and myself, went down to observe the landing-place before the army...."
The Skirmish at Trout Brook (July 6, 1758) "By this time my Lord Howe, with a detachment from his front, had broke the enemy, and hemmed them in on every side; but advancing himself with great eagerness and interpidity upon them, was unfortunately shot and died immediately."
"This noble and brave officer being unversally beloved by both officers and soldiers of the army, his fall was not only most sincerely lamented, but seemed to produce an almost general consternation and langour through the whole.

Monday 23 July 2012

The beloved woman

Jubilo found this - a play put on at Colonial Williamsburg about the Cherokees. Here's the image page
Also starrring Wes Studi!

Sunday 22 July 2012

Fort Loudoun: Forsaken By God and Man

These images come from a Facebook page for a documentary being made about Fort Loudon. It says

 The rise and fall of Fort Loudoun, a British garrison built in the Overhill Cherokee Nation.

Fort Loudoun: Forsaken By God and Man is a half-hour program that will be an in-depth exploration of the capricious relationship between British garrison soldiers at Fort Loudoun, and Fort Prince George, and the southern Overhill Cherokee Nation, during the French and Indian War (1754-1763).
 The purpose of the film is to illustrate the very important yet tenuous relationship between British soldiers and the Cherokee in areas that would later become known as South Carolina and Tennessee. In return for this Cherokee alliance, British soldiers built Fort Loudoun (in what is now Vonore, Tennessee) to serve and protect the families of the Cherokee who were fighting against the French. Fort Loudoun became a trade hub between the British and Cherokee, and during the first two years of this alliance, relationships were peaceful and productive. Unfortunately, the final years of this alliance became violent due to misunderstandings and other grievances.

The story is personalized through the eyes of three men on opposing sides of this conflict: Captain Paul Demere, of Fort Loudoun; Oconostota, a Cherokee war-chief; and, Atta Kulla Kulla, a Cherokee peacemaker. The feud that arose between these former allies eventually led to massacres, the surrender of Fort Loudoun, and a hollow victory for the Cherokee.

F and I imagi-nations

This is interesting -  a wargames blog

Sergeant of the Compagnies franches de la Marine

 of Acadia and Plaisance, between 1701 and 1713. F Back. Image description and source here

French marine full dress

Infanterie française, Compagnie Franche de la Marine en Nouvelle-France by Eugene Lelieprve. From Jean-Luc's Facebook page. This figure has the old belly box which dates it more the King George's war period. The buttons on the coat (18 in all) should go all the way to the hem.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Rangers by G Embleton

From the Wolfe's Army Osprey.

Fort Ti's weekend

This weekend is recreating the 1777 siege during which the British successfully hauled artillery up on Mount Defiance. Hopefully the weather is being kind to them. Piece from the WSJ
Image is a 3 pounder being hauled from Fort Ti's Facebook page.

1/32 'Fort Ticonderoga'

If you like 1/32 plastics and you want a small fort how about this Marx reissue from MPC? Of course it doesn't look much like the real Fort Ti but it's not without its charm and could be a home to those lovely Armies in Plastic F and I figures.

French engineers by F Back

From the facebook page of les Garnisons des Pays en haut

Virginia Regiment

Virginia Regiment 1754

By Don Troiani from his excellent book 'Soldiers in America'.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Some Rangers

Central figure Ranger Companies Quebec 1759.  Rogers Rangers 1758-61 and Gorhams from 1761
Galloping Major guide to painting Rangers

Revwar at Fort Ti

This weekend sees a 1777 event for the Fort. Details here

Major George Scott

Commander of the Light Infantry and Rangers for the Louisbourg expedition this image is the reference for the 40th image below. Scott was an advocate of cut down clothing and leather jacked caps.  ('The Leather Cap, if properly jack't and made of good Leather is intended to fend off the blow of a scalping-axe or Firelock. It is also better adapted to the Head of a Cloke than a Hatt and will keep its form'. )
Canadian Biographical dictionary entry
Article by George Bray on his unit

American raised troops

Light Infantry officer 40th regiment 1758. Private Gage's 80th 1758-60. Grenadier Burton's 95th.

Wednesday 18 July 2012


80th  Regiment of Light Armed Foot might be another good unit for a wilderness force. Wiki here

Tomahawk and his rip-roaring Rangers

Wilderness forces for the F&I.

Putting up some ideas for Muskets and Tomahawks other than just Rangers. How about some HIghlanders? Excellent petite guerre troops...?

77th Foot

From this review of the below book.More on the regiment - Montgomery's Highlanders here

French Compagnies franches in wilderness modes

Soldier in bonnet a la dragon and wearing a capot. From the Osprey Musket and Tomahawk

Some Highlanders of the F&I war

Artwork by Peter Dennis from the Osprey Raid 27:  Tomahawk and Musket  - French and Indian Raids in the Ohio Valley 1758

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Black Watch 1756

By DJ Neary. Image description etc here

Association of Crown Forces 1776

Crown Forces are a great UK group that recreates infantry and artillery of the British army.  Facebook page

1st Maryland Regiment

As well as the Lexington Minutemen company there is another new Patriot unit on the scene in the British isles, the 1st Maryland Regiment. They're connected to the British 22nd Foot so contact them through their Facebook page.- also there's a joint page here

Monday 16 July 2012

The Fight for Canada - The War of 1812 - 1815

Promotional Video for the Battle of Detroit bicentenary re-enactment at Cardiff Castle, 25th and 26th August 2012.
To commemorate this anniversary, there will be drill displays by both British and USA Infantry, demonstrating marching and live Musket Fire, all culminating with a re-enactment battle of the surrender of Fort Detroit.  An authentic military camp will be set up with cooking demonstrations, a glimpse into the surgical procedures used to treat the wounded and a chance to have a look at the uniforms of the period.

French Canadians and Indians

At a recent event at Fort Ontario - photo and write up here

This blog

You may wonder why I don't feature British events more but the trouble is according to the sources only 7 per cent of the readership of this blog are from the UK - 51 per cent are from the US. France 8 per cent and other countries are around 1 per cent. Canada is 4 per cent. So there, probably not very interesting post but there ya go.

F&I at Painshill Park

New France and Old England were at Painshill at the weekend - here's some photos from the event. One show that wasn't rained off.

Battle of Stony Point

Took place during the night of the 15th/16th July 1779. Wiki here

Wednesday 11 July 2012

New from North Star

'British wilderness force' is the next boxed set in the Muskets and Tomahawks range. Looks like it's Rangers and Natives amongst other things. Great. Facebook page
More here

Monday 9 July 2012

Monongahela 1755

Today is the anniversary of this disaster for the British. Wiki here. 
Print of 'The Crossing' by Robert Griffing from here

Sunday 8 July 2012

Carillon/Ticonderoga 1758

Today is the anniversary and there is an ongoing reenactment weekend at Ti which is where I got this great image from.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Europe's Bunker Hill

 There is now a Facebook group for this reenactment - here's what the English language intro says

A big computer game company organises a large re-enactment of the battle of Bunker’s Hill (a.k.a. Breed’s Hill, 17th June 1775), which is surely going to be the largest one ever to be held on this side of the Atlantic.

The event is planned to take place at Lucca, in beautiful Tuscany, during the weekend of the 3-4 November 2012, and is intended to launch the new Assassin’s Creed III game. You can see the promo on Youtube:
There is going to be a massive media coverage, including Italian RAI, British BBC, as well as other local, national and international press. Moreover, a documentary will be shot by History Channel to be broadcasted all over the world.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Happy 4th of July

No mystery as to what happened today in history. Hope all you American readers have a great day. Image is of course from Don Troiani.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

FIW figs comparison

28mm figures compared here

Battle of Tippecanoe 200th Anniversary 2011

Photo slide show video of the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Tippecanoe. Held in Battle Ground IN. U.S. Forces were on the Battlefield and Native Forces were a mile away at Prophetstown. Main music title is "Young Jane" by Jim's Red Pants. Photographer James P. Rowans

Johnson Hall.

Johnson Hall. Painting by Edward Lawson Henry, Albany Institute of History and Art 1993.44.

Sir William Johnson

Haven't really featured this fascinating figure much on this blog. Wiki here

William Johnson picture

Indian diploma or treaty.
"By the Honorable Sir William Johnson, Bart., his Majesty's sole Agent and Superintendent of Indian affairs for the Northern Department of North America, Colonel of the Six United Nations, their Allies and Dependents, etc.
"to------ -----------:

"Whereas, I have received repeated proofs of your attachment to his Britannic Majesty's Interests and Zeal for his service upon sundry occasions, more particularly ---- ; I do therefore give you this public Testimonial thereof, as a proof of his Majesty's Esteem and Approbation, Declaring you, the said ---, to be a ---- of your ---, and recommending it to all his Majesty's Subjects and faithful Indian Allies, to Treat and Consider you, upon nil occasions, agreeable to your character, Station and services.
"Given under my hand and seal at Arms, at Johnson Hall the --- day of ---, 17-.
"By Command of Sir W. Johnson."
From here

French military screwdriver

This is a good repro item from At the Royal Sword

More from Carl Dedrick

 Very nice. Thanks to Carl for these. “Attack On the French Fort” - 54mm Swoppet Figures & Fort sold at Shell Gas Stations in the Mid 70...