Tuesday, 3 July 2012

William Johnson picture

Indian diploma or treaty.
"By the Honorable Sir William Johnson, Bart., his Majesty's sole Agent and Superintendent of Indian affairs for the Northern Department of North America, Colonel of the Six United Nations, their Allies and Dependents, etc.
"to------ -----------:

"Whereas, I have received repeated proofs of your attachment to his Britannic Majesty's Interests and Zeal for his service upon sundry occasions, more particularly ---- ; I do therefore give you this public Testimonial thereof, as a proof of his Majesty's Esteem and Approbation, Declaring you, the said ---, to be a ---- of your ---, and recommending it to all his Majesty's Subjects and faithful Indian Allies, to Treat and Consider you, upon nil occasions, agreeable to your character, Station and services.
"Given under my hand and seal at Arms, at Johnson Hall the --- day of ---, 17-.
"By Command of Sir W. Johnson."
From here

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