Sunday, 10 February 2013

Gerald McCann's Conspiracy of Pontiac

Complete 45-page story about the life and times of the famous Native American warrior. Classics Illustrated #154 (Gilberton, 1960). Image area 12.5" x 18.5".
There are 46 Pieces of Art In This Gallery.See panels here where all 45 pages have been scanned and are available online
Based on the Parkman book. Here's a sample page so you can see it's a decent read.


  1. Interesting side note...legend has it that Pontiac is buried near 4th street in St. Louis, MO. Managed a visit to Cahokia, where he was murdered many years ago.

    That entire area of Southern Illinois has some great French & Indian War era historic sites.

  2. Wow - talk about old school! Do they even make CC any more?

  3. Dear Somerset,
    Thanks for posting this! I remember reading and re-reading this until it crumbled. I truly enjoy your blog sir!

  4. thanks Jubilo - glad you liked it


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