Monday, 18 February 2013

Rangers at Fort Ti

Publicizing the 23rds Battle on Snowshoes event is this image of Rangers. Not a Scots bonnet in sight. Details here
 “The Battle on Snowshoes” will be held as a living history event Saturday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the fort.
“The Battle on Snowshoes event recreates the savage fight between Robert Roger’s rangers, and a mixed French force of regular soldiers, milice and allied native warriors on March 13, 1758,” said Stuart Lilie, director of interpretation at Fort Ticonderoga. “This event is designed to be a rich experience for both participants and visitors alike. It will investigate the myths and facts of Robert Rogers and explore why his exploits in the North Woods still fill the popular imagination today.”
Visitors will be able to see the French Garrison in the middle of winter inside Fort Ticonderoga and tour through opposing pickets of British rangers and French soldiers.
At 2 p.m. a tree-to-tree battle recreation will take place.
“Watch as the rangers make a brave stand against superior odds, only to retreat through the deep woods,” said Beth Hills, Fort Ti executive director and CEO.

1 comment:

War On the Turrle's Back

  this book looks interesting. Out later in the year War the Turtle's Back  examines all the campaigns fought by Woodland Indians of Nor...