Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Battle of Waxhaws

This battle with the infamous Banastre Tarleton was fought today. Was it a massacre? You decide. Wiki here

1756 Powder Horn

This item was donated to Fort Ticonderoga. Go here to find out more.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

FIW Painting by Benjamin West

Completed between 1764 and 1768 this picture is usually ascribed as General Johnson Saving a Wounded French Officer from the Tomahawk of a North American Indian. It is possible it depicts the siege of Niagara. The Light Infantry figures are worth a look. ..seem to have collars...maybe worth a visit to Derby Museum where it is housed.

46th Foot

Found myself interested in the battle La Belle Famille 1759 and found this photo of Light Infantry of the 46th at Niagara - more here

Victor of La Belle Famille

Eyre Massey (1719-1804)
in a portrait possibly by Robert Hunter
sold in 2009 by Christie’s for £22,500
From here

More Ron Embleton's Indians

From the strip 'Oh Wicked Wanda' - see the whole strip and other tales here (Adult content!)

Thames 1813 promo

This is an important event for this year  - this October - the 200th anniversary of the Thames battle.
Website here

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Ronald Embleton's Indians attacking

As it is the Pontiac 250th I thought I might repost this lovely and funny pic - was part of a comic strip called Oh Wicked Wanda - done for Penthouse magazine which saw Wanda travelling through time giving Ron Embleton the chance to do some of his favourite subjects. The backdrop for this issue was Pontiac's Rebellion.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Saratoga painting

Greg Harlan did a series of illustrations depicting the conditions in Victory Woods in October 1777, just before Burgoyne's surrender. They were done in 2009. Thanks to Thomsomfeld. I think this picture depicts the leaving of the Loyalists the night before the surrender.


Artwork from the below source

French Indian war signboards

 Thomsomfeld found the artwork for a series of signboards for the Niagara campaign in the F&I - have a look...there's a lot of stuff that interests 'us' on these plates.

mitre cap 1745

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Mohawk Valley

is a British living history project based at Murton Park (the Yorkshire Museum of Farming) near York. Website here.
Facebook page here

Battle of the Cedars

Took place today in 1775 - wiki here

Interesting painting

Any of you know what regiment and where and when? Interesting the drummer wearing a hat and the white fur cap for the fifer.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Fort du Lac

Another F&I wargame this time from the Westerhope wargamers - here

All things liberty

Journal of the American Revolution. Recommended by Norm. Thanks - looks good. I liked the article on dogs in the American Revolution - very interesting.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Friday, 10 May 2013

Monday, 6 May 2013

Wild French food in 1755

Article on Fort Ti's blog here

The Siege of Detroit 1

 As tomorrow is the 250th anniversary of the start of the siege of Detroit (1763) during Pontiac's war I thought something special was in order - so I thought this talking book might be good.

Part 2 here

Archaeologists discover Revwar fort

Thanks to Norm for this news article

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Fort Niagara 1764

Had this query yesterday... any of you able to help?

Hello Ralph,
I found your blog, Flintlock and Tomahawk, while searching for some information on Sir William Johnson's "Indian" Treaty at Ft. Niagara 1764.

I haven't been able to determine what regiment, and under whose leadership, was station at Niagara at the time Johnson called for the gathering of all tribal leaders.

I'm wondering if you can think of a resource or someone who may be particularly knowledgeable about that event.  I am writing a short story set during the event and I am careful to be as accurate as possible.

thank you for any help you can give.
Debra E Marvin

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Vatican uncovers 'first Western painting of Native Americans'

'They have remained hidden for more than five centuries, but tiny figures of naked men wearing feathered head-dresses could be the first Western depiction of Native Americans, the Vatican claims.'
Read about this image here

Friday, 3 May 2013

More AW miniatures

Useful range in 28mm - webpage here

42nd Highland Regiment, 1783

By Steve Noon. He says
The Black Watch served throughout the War of Independance in Norht America.
Privates are shown, one wearing the regulation uniform and the other as he would have appeared on campaign. also shown is a flank company officer, as he would have appeared in the field.

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for finding this image

Thursday, 2 May 2013

The Eagles at York Town

The third book in the Decipherer's Chronicles
In August 1781 Alistair Douglas is sent by the British spy network the Decipherers to York Town in the American Colonies.
He is tasked with assisting the Loyalist colonists of Virginia to organize themselves into a militia and fight the Revolutionaries on behalf of the King. Douglas goes undercover as a grain merchant aboard a French military vessel in Chesapeake Bay, where he discovers that matters have progressed much further than anyone in London had imagined . . . While Lord Cornwallis turns all his efforts to fortifying York Town, Douglas intercepts disturbing correspondence suggesting that they might be protecting themselves in the wrong place.
When a British father and son, Cable and David Morgan, are captured by the French as spies, matters turn critical. Douglas is determined to do whatever it takes to save them, knowing that if he can get them back they might just have a chance to reverse British fortunes before it’s too late . . .

Fort Dobbs: War For Empire (2013)

Enjoyable event film from down South

John André

Born today in 1750 his is an interesting story of betrayal and espionage. Wiki here

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

The Garrison at Fort Loudoun State Historic Park

The Garrison at Fort Loudoun State Historic Park will come back to life on Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5. Free and open to the public, educational opportunities and family-friendly activities will be offered at 10 a.m. each day, ending at 5 p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday.

Fort Toulouse by Katie Gray

Photos on Facebook here
Wiki on the Alabama fort here

More Avoncroft pictures

Where are your Pants? Getting Dressed with a French Canadian Voyageur

  We've seen how merchants and British Grenadiers got dressed in the 1770s, but what about some of the most colorful visitors to Michili...