Sunday, 30 June 2013

King's Mountain Revwar in the UK

Hi Ralph, Galloping Major now sells and distributes the King's Mountain range of 28mm American War of Independence figures in the UK and Europe. Unlike our French & Indian War range, the figures for the King's Mountain range are not sculpted by our director, Lance Cawkwell, but were commissioned by Bill Nevins and sculpted by Alan Marsh. Bill has long been a customer of ours, and we were happy to agree to market this new range. The moulds and castings for these figures are produced by the same UK company as are those for our own Galloping Major designs. Customers in the US should go to to place their orders or make enquiries. Please note that when ordering from Bill, our pack numbers and descriptions will not apply. The first batch of 6 packs of figures are "Highlanders in Gaiter Trousers", designed to represent the 71st Highlanders in the Southern Campaign, but also ideal for the 42nd Highlanders of the same period. Thanks to Giles Allison for providing the excellent pictures of his painted Kings Mountain Highlanders. Cheers, Lance

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