Tuesday 29 October 2013

New from Galloping Major

'Hi Ralph, I've recently released the "Settlers Defending Command & Characters" pack FIW AAC3, next for release will be the Anglo American Militia, 4 packs that will also do service as Provincials from any of the colonies which did not provide uniforms.' www.gallopingmajorwargames.com

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Battle of the Hook

Last weekend in the US saw this battle being reenacted. Here's my favourite of the photos going around FB.
The Duke (Bob Allegretto) returns from Mrs. Whiting's house, where he was asking about the location of Tarleton and his loyalist force...

Sara Kostishack's photo

Sunday 20 October 2013

The Frontier - Gerry Embleton

Thomsomfeld found this page of frontier sketches from the master GE. Go here

Battle of New Orleans 1815

1815 painting of the battle by participant Jean Hyacinthe de Laclotte of the Louisiana Militia based on his memories and sketches made at the site.No it's not the anniversary - thats in February - just haven't seen this image before.Wiki here

Saturday 19 October 2013

Dark Frontier

Dave Taylor found this movie which is currently in production. "The script is in the midst of revisions, but it follows a group of frontier spies on the Braddock expedition who go out ahead of the troops to do recon on the Indian threat."
Facebook page

Edward Lamson Henry

 Thomsomfeld found these 19thc paintings in the colonial theme. Top picture is The Army of General Burgoyne

Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Dreamer Comic

Set partly in the Revwar of Nathan Hale and Knowlton this comic follows the exploits of Bea a high school kid who travels in her dreams back to the American Revolution. Read it for free here

Tomahawk campaign blog

Here for a M&T blog. Here is another different page on a similar theme

Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Great Warpath

Thomsomfeld is trying to find the book this illustration is from - any ideas?
I think its Gary Zaboly's painting of the Military Road between Fort Edward and Lake George during the French and Indian War, 1750s

Saturday 5 October 2013

Tecumseh’s story cries out for a Hollywood film

Article here
There was that movie the Last Warrior that wasn't too bad...

Battle of the Thames - death of Tecumseh 1813

This event has reached its 200th. Wiki here.
Hope all the people reenacting it up at Chatham have fine weather and a good time.
 The most serious loss we sustained on this occasion was that of the noble and unfortunate Tecumseh. Only a few minutes before the clang of the American bugles was heard ringing through the forest, and inspiriting to action, the haughty Chieftain had passed along our line, pleased with the manner in which his left was supported, and seemingly sanguine of success. He was dressed in his usual deer skin dress, which admirably displayed his light yet sinewy figure, and in his handkerchief, rolled as a turban over his brow, was placed a handsome white ostrich feather, ... He pressed the hand of each officer as he passed, made some remark in Shawnee, appropriate to the occasion, which was sufficiently understood by the expressive signs accompanying them, and then passed away forever from our view.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Knuckleduster 40mm Kentucky Volunteer cavalry

As it's only a couple of days to the Battle of the Thames 200th anniversary I thought I'd post this pic from the Knuckleduster blog - more here

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Vernet's Rade

Vue de la rade d'Antibes This is a copy of one of the top sources for the French line infantry in the SYW - take time to enjoy it. I see its influence on the French troops recreated by Fort Ticonderoga.

More from Carl Dedrick

 Very nice. Thanks to Carl for these. “Attack On the French Fort” - 54mm Swoppet Figures & Fort sold at Shell Gas Stations in the Mid 70...