Saturday, 5 October 2013

Battle of the Thames - death of Tecumseh 1813

This event has reached its 200th. Wiki here.
Hope all the people reenacting it up at Chatham have fine weather and a good time.
 The most serious loss we sustained on this occasion was that of the noble and unfortunate Tecumseh. Only a few minutes before the clang of the American bugles was heard ringing through the forest, and inspiriting to action, the haughty Chieftain had passed along our line, pleased with the manner in which his left was supported, and seemingly sanguine of success. He was dressed in his usual deer skin dress, which admirably displayed his light yet sinewy figure, and in his handkerchief, rolled as a turban over his brow, was placed a handsome white ostrich feather, ... He pressed the hand of each officer as he passed, made some remark in Shawnee, appropriate to the occasion, which was sufficiently understood by the expressive signs accompanying them, and then passed away forever from our view.

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Revwar 250 'Give me Liberty or Give me Death'

 !775 Patrick Henry made his famous speech. Details