Friday, 31 January 2014

Joseph Alexander Altsheler

This novelist from the early 20th century wrote a series of F&I novels - some of them are free online.

The French and Indian War Series

Abenaki Warrior

This is fiction I have read - set in King Williams War - details here

The Life and Times of Chief Escumbuit

by Alfred E. Kayworth

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Capture and Redemption: Third in a Series of Novels of the French and Indian War

This book by Brenton C. Kemmer I have not covered before but it bodes well - Brenton C Kremmer is or was a reenactor of the period. Not sure what order or any details - but they look OK. 

French and Indian fiction?

We had a comment about F&I fiction
Hi, I'm looking for a good list of historical fiction novels set in the French & Indian War, or thereabouts. I'm particularly interested in ones either seen from the Indian perspective or featuring them as characters. I've read the Leatherstocking novels, of course. I just,can't seem to get into Eckert's narrative histories, though. Any suggestions?

I don't read fiction - do any of you have any recommendations? To see what fiction I have covered go on the fiction label below

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Constructing the fort

French marines building a fort. This is Compagnie de Verendrye reconstructing Fort Rouge for a filming project. Sergant Lafosse took this photo. I found it on the Les Garnisons des Pays d'en Haut 's Facebook page - go there and find a very active French/Canadian unit.They have photos of a recent weekend in the snow recreating garrison duty in the winter.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

"A Day Longer in the Field: Provincial Soldiers Guard and Rebuild Fort Ticonderoga"

Living History Event: Feb 15-16, 2014. Meet American provincial soldiers who were eager to go home at the end of the 1759 campaign. With Ticonderoga and Crown Point captured these American soldiers worked along side British regulars to ready Fort Ticonderoga for winter and the following season's advance into the heart of New France. Watch period carpentry and soldiers cooking, and witness how the soldiers in 1759 dealt with the harsh winter realities on the northern frontier.

"French and Indian Cruelty" by Peter Williamson, published in 1757

Posted by Clayton Willets on FB. Read it here

Friday, 24 January 2014

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Cold day at Old Fort Niagara

Photo from their FB page.
They have an event this weekend
Don't Miss...Winter Survival at the Fort! It's not too late to register for this special evening program at the Fort this coming Saturday, January 25th at 7 PM. The program will focus on survival techniques used in the 18th chilly winters and ends with tasting 18th century "hot"chocolate. $20/ per person. Call to make reservations 716-745-7611.

25th Regiment of Foot, Menorca, 1771 (c) by Giuseppe Chiesa

Interesting transitional uniform.More here

Mitre caps - Kriegsarmaturen

This is a great Facebook page if you like Hessian and other German states' mitre caps and their reconstruction.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Skirmish Battle. French and Indian Wars. This Very Ground. 28mm

War under Heaven: Pontiac, the Indian Nations, and the British Empire [Paperback] Gregory Evans Dowd

This again looks at the crucial period - read about it here

Red Bird's Song

A novel by Beth Trissel set in 1764. Read about it here
Taken captive by a Shawnee war party wasn't how Charity Edmondson hoped to escape an unwanted marriage. Nor did Shawnee warrior Wicomechee expect to find the treasure promised by his grandfather's vision in the unpredictable red-headed girl.
George III's English Red-Coats, unprincipled colonial militia, prejudice and jealousy are not the only enemies Charity and Wicomechee will face before they can hope for a peaceful life. The greatest obstacle to happiness is in their own hearts.
As they struggle through bleak mountains and cold weather, facing wild nature and wilder men, Wicomechee and Charity must learn to trust each other.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

The Scratch of a Pen

This looks an interesting read. The blurb says:
In this superb volume in Oxford's acclaimed Pivotal Moments series, Colin Calloway reveals how the Treaty of Paris of 1763 had a profound effect on American history, setting in motion a cascade of unexpected consequences, as Indians and Europeans, settlers and frontiersmen, all struggled to adapt to new boundaries, new alignments, and new relationships. Britain now possessed a vast American empire stretching from Canada to the Florida Keys, yet the crushing costs of maintaining it would push its colonies toward rebellion. White settlers, free to pour into the West, clashed as never before with Indian tribes struggling to defend their way of life. In the Northwest, Pontiac's War brought racial conflict to its bitterest level so far. Whole ethnic groups migrated, sometimes across the continent: it was 1763 that saw many exiled settlers from Acadia in French Canada move again to Louisiana, where they would become Cajuns. Calloway unfurls this panoramic canvas with vibrant narrative skill, peopling his tale with memorable characters such as William Johnson, the Irish baronet who moved between Indian campfires and British barracks; Pontiac, the charismatic Ottawa chieftain; and James Murray, Britains first governor in Quebec, who fought to protect the religious rights of his French Catholic subjects. Most Americans know the significance of the Declaration of Independence or the Emancipation Proclamation, but not the Treaty of Paris. Yet 1763 was a year that shaped our history just as decisively as 1776 or 1862. This captivating book shows why. Winner of the Society of Colonial Wars Book Award for 2006

Friday, 17 January 2014

Yet another reenactor's blog

No I am not being cynical thats the name of this new blog from a UK native reenactor. Looks promising...

Sweet Liberty! (1986)

A film about making a period film about Cowpens and Tarleton etc. Good to watch in conjunction with the Patriot. I wrote about it here but I don't think we had the trailer before.

Battle of Cowpens

Happened today - wiki here
Image of Daniel Morgan at Cowpens is by Don Troiani and is available as a print here .
Morgan's nickname was 'the Old Wagoner' so that nicely fits in with the below post.

Working carts and wagons

Thomsomfeld found this page of photos and text about colonial carts and so forth.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Fife and Drum Music of the Revolutionary War

Here is a slideshow with music.

Attack in the Alleghenies by William P. Robertson & David Rimer

'Attack in the Alleghenies gives chilling accounts of the mayhem spread by the Delaware warriors of Kittanning, Pennsylvania, and of Colonel John Armstrong's 1756 raid to destroy this terrorist base.'

Friday, 10 January 2014

Ambush scene from Last of the Mohicans

Excellent clip but if you have read the Osprey Campaign book on Fort William Henry by Ian Castle you'll know it's not really based on history...for example those leaving FWH were not allowed any ammunition...good clip though.

Siege of Dunlap's Station

Occurred today in the Northwest Territory war - wiki here
Image of Simon Girty from here

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Fort Ti's event cancelled

January 11th--The Living History Event "Carillon's First Winter" is cancelled because of the weather

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

A Musket and Tomahawk tournament

Go here to read about this project - can see this idea working in various parts of the world.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Little Turtle (Michikinikwa) 1752(?)—1812

I am not sure who painted this reconstruction but I like it. Little Turtle was one of the great Indian leaders possibly even eclipsing Pontiac and Tecumseh in my opinion. Image from here
Little Turtle's War

The Treaty of Greenville 1795

May have been painted by one of Wayne's army. Greenville wiki

Friday, 3 January 2014

Legion of the United States 1794

Image from here.
I got the Osprey campaign book Wabash 1791 to go with the Fallen Timbers book by the same author. They're both good reads with lots of interesting facts about the campaigns against the Ohio Indians. They would form the basis for some good wargame campaigns.

Frederick Kemmelmeyer—From Hessian Soldier to American Artist -

Interesting article on the artist who captured early America - here. 
Above image is of William Darke

Independent Companies New York 1756-60

Thanks to Thomsomfeld for this image.

Winter Parade

photo by Ashley LeTourneau photography. Not sure of the identity of the group pictured - maybe someone can tell me. Great image though.

Battle of Princeton 1777

Happened today 1777. Wiki

La Corne St. Luc : the "General of the Indians" by Lighthall, W. D. (William Douw), 1857-1954

 I thought we could have this again. Interesting man. Wiki