Sunday, 13 September 2015

13th September - Death of Wolfe

The Death of General Wolfe
  • Date painted: 1763

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Thanks. One of the clichés associated with the more famous West painting of the death of Wolfe was that West was revolutionary in his depiction of his heroic subject in modern clothing, rather than the toga of the Classical period.

    (see: Barbara J. Mitnick, “The History of History Painting,” in _Picturing History: American Painting, 1770-1930_, ed. William Ayres (New York: Rizzoli, 1993), 29-30.)

    Penny's painting, a decade earlier, demonstrates that West's work was not quite so revolutionary as commonly claimed.


Outlander does 2nd Saratoga

 All the usual cliches.