Tuesday 19 December 2017

Great Swamp Fight

The Great Swamp Fight or the Great Swamp Massacre was a crucial battle fought during King Philip's War between colonial militia of New England and the Narragansett tribe in December 1675.
Read more
There is a Facebook group Wargaming King Philip's War 

Thursday 23 November 2017

Seminole wars 200th anniversary

Nov 21 marked the 200th anniversary of the commencement of the Seminole wars with the battle of Fowlton. Read more here 

Monday 13 November 2017

1642 : Osheaga

From here. Récit de la création de Montréal en 1642 du point de vue des tribus indiennes. Askou, Indien de la tribu des Algonquins, quitte son ami Gauthier, jeune colon français, pour devenir un guerrier redoutable. Lorsque son clan se rend au camp de Ville-Marie, fondé pour évangéliser les Amérindiens, Askou retrouve Gauthier. Ensemble, ils feront tout pour réunir leurs deux cultures.

Monday 30 October 2017

Lake George tactical 1999

Our band of French. I quickly abandoned the full uniform and wore tuque and capote . I am the right.
Me getting my commission at Carillon.
In 1999 I took part in the Lake George tactical which takes place in October every year . it consists canoeing and wargaming against a force you don't know where or how many as they had their own start place. We lived on lake water and what little food we could take in our canoes. Lasts about a week. One day the lake was stormy so we couldn't leave our island base. Good times.

Friday 27 October 2017

French and Indian war in 54mm by Robert Kirchner

British and Pennsylvania provincials move out from Carlisle And head west on Forbes road. I love this scale. Inspiring photos

French and Indian war Pennsylvania provincials. Marx and Accurate figures.
Pa Augusta Regiment Weiser 1st Battalion Pennsylvania Regiment (Busse's Company)

Sunday 15 October 2017

Pulp Figures Flint and Feather

This is a Kickstarter for the Huron/Iroquois war. 28mm. Check it out here

Battle of Quebec

The Battle of Quebec: Free Scenario to learn All out War

Do you want a quick way to learn how to play? The Battle of Quebec is a simple demonstration scenario that fits in only eight pages. No need to read an entire rulebook or have previous experience playing wargames. Everything you need to know is written in this scenario. Download the eight-page PDF file, available here, along with the unit cards, and start playing.

Friday 6 October 2017

Francis Back - gone but not forgotten

Back in the 1990s on the French reenactment scene we so loved his pictures. You felt they were something you could rely on for being well researched. From Louis XIV to the French revolution if you wanted a truthful illustration of the French forces it would be Francis Back where you'd go. Most of what reenactors know about capotes (pictured) is from Francis Back's research. He will be missed but remembered.

Francis Back 1959-2017

Sad to hear of the passing of Canadian illustrator Francis Back who's work in the field of historical art was second to none.

Friday 15 September 2017

Wolfe 250th

Blogpiece on the event at Westerham Kent to celebrate the 250th anniversary in 2009. The organiser got a phone call from Canada asking them to not do it. They ignored him. Patrick said on my Seven Years war Facebook page said 'I was there,
It's absolutely correct that the late great Colin Spicer received a phone call from Canada demanding we curtail the planned activities, and how dare we!!!
I think he was in the queue in the chippy at the time'
The beginning of the over-sensitivity that has seen reenactments cancelled perhaps.

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Sir William Johnson saving the life of a French officer

Photo by Geoff Harding and thanks to Timothy for bringing it to my attention. Based on the famous Benjamin West painting but you knew that. Was done at Old Fort Niagara for the 250th. Excellent!

Battle of the Plains of Abraham

Today is the anniversary of this decisive battle.

Saturday 9 September 2017

UK French and Indian war event radio interview 1996

Ralph Mitchard and J H Northrop (from the USA) interviewed about the French and Indian war event at the American Museum Bath UK on Radio Bristol. It was a successful event that created many follow ups in the woods and hills of Claverton

Friday 18 August 2017

Fulda (Germany) Battle of Germantown 2017

20th anniversary of this eveent in Germany - funny I can remember when it started - must be getting old.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Continental Infantry in Polish Fort Event

 American Revolution event in a reconstructed fort. Photos Kasia Bartoszewicz. Continental Infantry recreate the American Revolution period and do it very well - Facebook page here

Here is the info on the Fort

Sunday 6 August 2017

No Great Mischief If They Fall: A Tale of a Highlander in the French and Indian War. Book 1: Culloden to Quebec Kindle Edition

Historical fiction. This book by Martin Dey (see below) looks interesting - Kindle edition from here

Martin Dey's tribute to Bushy Run

Dear Ralph, I have liked looking at your blog “Flintlock and Tomahawk” and have just watched the film on Bushy Run you posted. I first became aware of Bushy Run when it was pictured by Ronald Embleton in the book “Pioneers and Heroes of the Wild West” which my brother and grandmother gave me for my 10th birthday. My oldest brother also used to have a brilliant collection of toy soldiers: Britain’s Swoppets, Herald, Cresent and Timpo etc. Sadly , time, theft and wherever toys disappear to has decimated this collection, so attachment 2 is all that is left of the C18th ! Attachment 1 is my tribute to the anniversary of Bushy Run with some Barzso figures I bought on ebay much more recently.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Paper soldiers American Revolution

In the 'Battle in America' series well-known historical illustrator Peter Dennis breathes life back into the 19th century paper soldier, supplying all the artwork needed to create the armies which struggled for Liberty across the states of the colonial new world. Here Washington's army can clash again with the redcoats of the King, using simple rules from veteran wargamer Andy Callan. Although the figures can be used with any of the commercial sets of wargame rules, an introduction to wargaming and a simple set of rules by veteran wargamer Andy Callan is included, along with buildings, trees and even artillery and brave Minute men and ruthless Hessian mercenaries.

Black Watch at Ticonderoga G Embleton from Tradition magazine

More from Carl Dedrick

 Very nice. Thanks to Carl for these. “Attack On the French Fort” - 54mm Swoppet Figures & Fort sold at Shell Gas Stations in the Mid 70...