Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Woodland Indians wanted for 17th century reenactment in Pennsylvania

Had an email.

'I'm a member of the Twisted Knot Company of Pike and Shotte, a re-enactor group in Central Pennsylvania specializing in the 16th–17th century, from the Elizabethan era to the English Civil War and early colonial America.
That's a little before your F&I War period, but we're working on our schedule of events for 2020 and looking for Woodland Indian re-enactors in the mid-Atlantic region who might be interested in a joint event. In the 1600s the lower Susquehanna Valley was a real battleground among the various English colonies, not to mention the Dutch, Swedes, French and Spanish.
If you're able to point me in the right direction (or any direction), it would be greatly appreciated.
This is us taking 2nd place in the military display category at Military Through the Ages a year or two ago.'

Don Hollway
(Lance-Presado Manfred Holweg, on the right above)

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