Saturday, 9 November 2019

Announcement on forthcoming works of interest

After nearly eight years in the making, it gives me great pleasure to announce that Michel Pétard, René Chartrand and myself have recently signed a publication contract with Historical Enterprise, LLC for the publication of a full-color three-volume book set dealing with the material culture of the French troops in Canada (1683-1760). This ground-breaking study will provide a close look at the objects, clothing and equipment used by the French soldiers of the colonial and regular troops serving in North America and will include a large amount of unpublished information on the very subject (i.e., primary source documentation taken from archival material and notarial records) with a focus on new illustrations and line drawings by Francis Back and Michel Pétard, as well as photos of rare portraits and surviving artifacts from public and private collections throughout the world. A chapter on tattoos and military hairstyles written by the late Francis Back will be included as well.
Volume 1 - Regulation clothing, armament, and equipment of the colonial troops in Canada (1683-1760)
Volume 2 - Campaign clothing, armament, and equipment of the colonial troops in Canada (1683-1760)
Volume 3 - Regulation clothing, armament, and equipment of the French metropolitan troops in Canada (1755-1760)
No official publication date has been set at this point, but we are hopeful that volume 1 it goes into print late 2020 or early 2021.

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