Friday, 21 February 2020

Fife and Drum miniatures on the workbench

Go here to see 'greens' of Mohawks and Saratoga Brits. Excellent miniatures for the Revolution.

COMING SOON: MOHAWK INDIANS! Richard recently finished 14 Mohawk Indians that we will be adding to the Fife and Drum AWI figure range. Click on the Work Bench tab to view all of the new greens (click on the "More" drop down menu and then select and click the "Work Bench" tab.

These should be in production by the end of March 2020, hopefully in time for the Seven Years War Association convention on April 2-4, 2020. 

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: the Indians arrive this week and will be available in the Fife and Drum Miniatures webstore by February 27, 2020


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