Saturday, 25 July 2020

Fall of Fort Niagara. 1759

Today the fort fell. Below is from Wikipedia. The photo is from Old Fort Niagara Youngstown NY

The capitulation of Fort Niagara occurred on the same day that French troops abandoned Fort Carillon to an overwhelming British army under General Amherst. Following the surrender of Fort Niagara, the French abandoned other forts in the frontier, recalling garrisons to defend the populated areas of Canada. Forts abandoned by the French includes Fort St. Frédéric (in present day Crown Point) and Fort Rouillé (in present day Toronto). Fort St. Frédéric was destroyed as French troops abandoned Lake Champlain to protect the Canadian heartland. The garrison at Fort Rouillé was instructed to evacuate the area, and burn the fort should Fort Niagara fall. After the British captured Fort Niagara, the French garrison burned Fort Rouillé, and withdrew to Montreal.[3] The remaining French forts in the Ohio and Illinois Country were eventually turned over to British forces.

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