Monday 14 December 2020

1/32 French Seven years war


Painting these figures by Armies in Plastic. I am not a great painter I admit. 


  1. I got some of these figures to use for the French and Indian war but it will be a while before they get to the painting table and look as great as yours. You have done a fine job!
    Regards, James

  2. Thanks. It's been a while since I painted so a bit rusty

  3. I’m painting these as well as the Rangers as Gage’s 80th. I’m currently at the ‘dip’ phase where I use a 1” flat brush to apply Minwax polyshads Antique Walnut to give the figures some depth. Appreciate the work you’re putting in on these figures. I also used Hat 7 Years War Prussians to add some variety to the groups. The Prussians are obviously a little off uniform-wise but close enough to pass muster on the tabletop.


Minisink 245 years ago.

  Read about it here The Battle of Minisink  took place during the  American Revolutionary War  at  Minisink Ford, New York , on July 22, 17...